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As Peter changed to his stealth suit, he thought about MJ, which made him longer in the changing room.

"Parker! Are you ready?" asked Nick Fury.
"Yes Yes I'm coming." said Peter.
He went out where Wanda and Nick were looking at him suspiciously.
"What took you so long?" asked Wanda.
"Uhhh.....the zipper wasn't wide enough so I had to do some adjustments...." said Peter in a lying way.
"Everyone is ready, get in the car now."

Fury, Wanda, Peter, Maria Hill, and Quentin go in a bulletproof and a fire proof black car where they went ahead to a destroyed village to fight the last and final elemental.
"It does serious damage on you when you get hit by the Earth elemental. It's as strong as fire but more destructible." said Fury.
"As long as we are here nothing could go wrong. You can count on us Fury." said Quentin.
Therefore, Wanda, Peter and Quentin did not waste time and goes ahead to fight the elemental.
"Wanda you go straight, me and Peter will go at the sidelanes." said Quentin.
"Copy that." said Wanda.

Quentin attacks the elemental, allowing the elemental to be more destructive and brutal.
The elemental escapes and almost attacked Quentin in the most brutal way.
"QUENTIN! LOOK OUT!!!" Peter shrieked.
The elemental was about to hit Quentin but Wanda stopped it just in time. She ripped the hand out of the elemental, threw energy at the elemental and it fell down.
Peter acted quickly throwing ricochet webs and web grenades, leaving the elemental stuck. As it gets more angrier, it becomes more and more brutal. Quentin attacks the Elemental forming a hole in the heart of the elemental. Scarlet Witch rips the elemental to pieces, while Peter held the elemental in tact for the rest of the fight.

And finally, the elemental falls down leaving debris everywhere.

Peter, Quentin and Wanda were so happy that it was finally over. Three of them sighed of happiness. since all the elementals are done.

"Thank god. All of the elementals are down. We should celebrate for our success." said Quentin.

"I'm up for that." said Wanda
"Peter...?" asked Wanda.
"I need to go back to my apartment. I shall continue my promposal to the girl I really like." said Peter.
"Aw c'mon Peter. We couldn't have brought down the elementals without the three of us. I don't want us to be incomplete. C'mon join us!" said Quentin.
"Peter you should treat yourself come on and join us. After that, you can go prompose to her." Wanda interrupted.
".....fine...." Peter sighed.

They went back inside the car and drove through the nearest restaurant.

"Ooh a Shawarma district!" said Quentin.
" I love Shawarmas!" said Peter.
"This is where me and Fury first met." said Wanda.
"Really? That's cool." said Peter.
"C'mon lets go inside." said Quentin.

As they went inside, Peter whispered something to Quentin.
"Can we have a private talk? Not including Wanda?" asked Peter.
"Sure. After this let's go to a bar." said Quentin.

"You guys know I can read your minds right?" said Wanda.

"Oh shi-" said Peter.

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