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After lunch break, Peter called Nick Fury to ask him what the hand signal means. Nick Fury never answered and Peter proceeds to the auditorium to do the prom practice. He is good at respecting women and a very kind man. Peter had been procrastinating on what will happen if he asks MJ out.

He scrolled down Pinterest to have ideas on how to prompose to her. He finally saw the perfect proposal to her. "Ok. I need lights, flowers, candles and chocolates for my proposal." said Peter. He needed his friends' help so, he called Ned, Flash, and Betty to help him prepare.
"Woah Peter, this is such a nice proposal! I'm sure that MJ would like this!' said Ned.
"Ned I think you should prepare too for your proposal to me haha!" said Betty jokingly.
"Guys lets focus on preparing the proposal for MJ." said Peter.

After school, Ned, Flash, and Betty helped Peter to buy the things he needed.
"Alright! Got the chocolates, candles, and the beautiful lights." said Flash and Ned. They proceeded to the cashier and the total was 20 dollars.
"That was so cheap boi!" said Ned
"It's called looking for the cheapest things." said Peter.
"Peter, do you still have enough money for the flowers?" asked Betty.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure I will have enough money." said Peter in a sarcastic voice.
So they went to flower shop and asked for a bouquet of flowers.
"Peter, this is 60 dollars with the note and extra designing." said Betty.
"Oh shit! I only have 40 dollars. What are we gonna do??" said Peter in a panicking voice.
"Don't worry I got you covered!" said Ned.
Ned gave Peter the extra 20 dollars and paid for the bouquet of flowers.
"Thanks Ned!" said Peter then hugged Ned.

Scarlet Witch saw Peter preparing the promposal while leaving the flower shop. She got jealous and sad. Scarlet Witch calls Nick Fury in order to stop the promposal for MJ.
"Fury! Are you gonna call Peter soon?? He is gonna forget what his position as an Avenger!" said Scarlet Witch.
"Don't worry Witch I will call him as soon as possible!" said Fury.

Peter was so happy that it was going well as planned. That evening, Peter calls MJ to go to the designated place where he is gonna propose.
"Hey MJ! Wanna go to the beach later? There is a barbecue event there wanna chill with me?" asked Peter.
"Sure! I'm so excited to see you loser." said MJ. Peter dressed up with a tuxedo and a tie.

*6:45 PM*
Peter and his friends arrive before MJ does, and started decorating the place with flowers and candles. They decorate the place more with their pictures together and some fabric to make the place look fancier. Scarlet Witch successfully stalked them and immediately called Nick Fury.
"Fury! I can't stand witnessing this monstrosity. Hurry up and ruin the promposal!" said Scarlet Witch.
"I have the perfect idea." said Nick Fury.
"Well, whatever that idea is, you better make sure the Peter will focus on saving the world first and not prioritize love." said Scarlet Witch

Finally, MJ arrives at the place with a stunning red dress.
"You look really pretty." said Peter with a blush on his cheeks.
"Thanks." said MJ.

"This place looks really nice. It looks like a paradise." said MJ.
"Come with me. I need to show you somethi-"

Peters' phone unexpectedly ringed and he was shocked.
"Peter! Criminals are taking over the world. I need you! Right now. I need you to promise Tony that you are an Avenger!" said Fury.

"Sorry MJ bUt I have to go......" said Peter.

Peter shrieked and hurried as fast as he could to get to Nick Fury.

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