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*alarm clock rings* "OH COME ON!  I want another 10 minutes of sleep!!!" Peter said on a whining voice.


Peter gets out of bed angrily and goes to the dining table where he was in and out of tiredness.

"Peter, you need to be active today. Your teachers told me that today will be your prom practice and it will also be the day to ask the girl you really like." said May

Peter was barely listening.

"Hey! Peter! Are you listening???" May annoyingly asked.

"Huh? Ah yeah I was listening jeez." Peter in a shocked face.

"Go eat breakfast now." May pointed out.

Peter was eating breakfast quick since he was excited to ask the girl who he really likes.

Peter took a shower, got dressed, perfumed himself, and took his backpack.

"Wait— I must've forgotten something....MY SUIT! or... should I not take it...? Whatever I'll take it just in case." Peter doubtfully asked in his head.

Peter quickly went back to his room and packed his suit. Then he rushed to the front door where his bus was waiting for him.

"Just in time!" Peter in a relieved voice.

"Oi! Next time, hurry your ass up. You're 5 minutes late." The bus driver demanded.

Peter apologized.

While in the bus, he saw a car that has the logo of S.H.I.E.L.D. He was shocked.

Suddenly the car pulled its windows down revealing Nick Fury and Scarlet Witch.

Nick Fury performed a hand signal to Peter, but Peter didn't understand at all.
Suddenly, the cars' windows closed then it swiftly and fastly drifted off the road.

"Hmm.... I think Nick Fury is trying to tell me about the Avengers.... well I guess I'll have to call him after school...." Peter talking to himself.

Peter just arrived at his highschool and met his best friend Ned after 6 months.

"oh my god I finally get to see you Ned! After 6 months!" They hugged each other tightly and walked through the crowded hallways.

"You ready to ask MJ out?" Ned asked.

"I'm always ready for anything." Said Peter.

Future Leaders of the MCU: SpiderWitchWhere stories live. Discover now