Jungkook walked out of the room in anger mixed with sadness. He feared her feelings changed. He feared loosing her. His imagination was true, she did bare a child one that was not his but either way he only wanted her.

"Your highness." Jennie's maid ran to her chamber. "What is it ?"

"I got news from the palace." Jennie looked at her eagerly. "Thalina fainted earlier and Jimin had the imperial physician check on her. Your highness Thalina is a week pregnant." Jennie's face darkened. "That low filthy maid thinks she can bare a child of the royal !" She grabbed a pillow throwing is to the ground in anger. "NO only I can ! ONLY ME. JIMIN HAS TO ONLY LOOK AT ME !" She screamed at the top of her lungs huffing and puffing. "Your highness calm down." Her maids picked up the pillows and fixed her chamber. "Only one of us can bare an Imperial only I can." She devilishly smirked as something popped into her mind. "Find me powders for abortion." 

"Sleep here I can take care of you." Jimin laid me down on the bed to rest. "I'm fine now you should go and look after Jennie." Jimin sighed heavily almost in anger. "Why do you keep talking about Jennie. How many times do I have to tell you I only care about you."

"But your highness Jennie bares your child. The first born is more important that anything else." He cupped my cheeks. "Let me stay with you." I shook my head. "You have the nation and your first born to handle."

"Please don't say that. You mean more than all of them."

"A king has to take care of the nation first, emotions aside." I gently smiled at him. "I will make you my 5th rank concubine. You will no longer have to work hard anymore." I shook my head. "Your highness I can't. I-"

"Do this for me and I will check up on Jennie.. just for you." I stared at him and then gently nodded hesitantly. I will find another way to leave this palace. One way or another even if I have to take this child with me. Jimin smiled widely and pecked me on the lips before leaving the room. "I know you're there." I spoke as Jimin left. "Jungkook." From the corner of the room Jungkook walked out from the curtains. I got off the bed walking up to him hugging him but he didn't hug me back. Many thought were flowing in his mind and it was obvious he was worried. My rank had jumped from a personal maid to the 5th rank concubine. Which meant things were changing, my plan.. our plan ..

As Jimin walked out of his chamber he realized he forgot to inform Thalina not to leave till he had return. So he turned back smiling upon the thought of her being his concubine instead of a maid. He will be able to see her whenever he pleases. Upon returning back to his chamber his side smile faded. There she was hugging a man that's not her husband, a man she didn't belong too. Jimin watched as the man gently pulled her away from him and creased her cheeks as her arm still wrapped around his waist. Jimin's hand curled tightly into a fist upon seeing her smile at the man. He knew that man, who was taller than him and shoulders equal to his. She broke his heart more than once, but this time left a scar as she held another man while baring his offspring. Jimin couldn't bare the scene and left before his emotion got out of hand and hell, he was a afraid of what he could do to the couple, but he cherished her too much to let her go.

I smiled at jungkook as he creased my cheeks. "I love you Thalina." He leaned in close to my face as I closed my eyes. My heart pound rapidly against my chest from excitement hearing jungkook saying that for the first time. The feeling felt different from jimin's. There was no guilt but freedom, no locks but escapes as jungkook and I got lost in the kiss and it deepens. Walking back to the bed he laid me down gently brushing away the clothes that covered my shoulder. His lips traveled lower and lower down my exposed chest, both lost in a trance filled with sin. My eyes closed feeling the wander of his hand find it's way down my legs and his other creased my breast. I suddenly held his hand as it slipped under my long skirt. He looked at me as my eyes opened in fear realizing the situation. I pushed him away sitting up fixing my clothes. "We can't Jungkook."

"I'm .."

"Your Jimin's.. I know." He completed my sentence sadly. I moved closer to him resting my chin on his shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him. "Does that show you how I feel about you ?" He turned his head in my direction and I took the chance pressing my lips against his. "I too feel the same."

"And Jimin ..."

"I will soon leave this place .. Jimin already said he'll grant me the wish i wanted the most. Freedom. Freedom to choose for my own self, my life, my parents, and who i want to marry." Jungkook satred at me with a small smile. "I love you." I smiled upon hearing his words again. "I know..." I stared into his eyes. Once upon a time I loved you too. I've always had ever since I step foot into this palace. But in the moment I'm unsure. Unsure if my heart had weaver to Jimin resulting me to bare his child. Deeply within me the feeling of freedom weigh heavier than the so called love for Jimin. The freedom within me craved for Jungkook once upon a time.

A broken promise just like his heart Jimin didn't do as told. He didn't visit Jennie. He couldn't get the thought out of his mind that his beloved wife was with Jungkook. He had always loved her, though he was rude and violent to her. He regretted it, not treating her well resulting her to seek jungkook. What am I doing wrong now ? He thought to him self as he sat in their wedded room face and palm connecting. Anger and hatre filled his mind calming him down as he punched the wall nearby. His knuckles started to bleed dripping blood on the white sheets. Maybe I was too careless to let jungkook take her away from me. He always got everything he wanted but Thalina will be mine.
Jimin walked back to his chamber finding Thalina asleep on the bed and for a second he wondered she If was screwed by Jungkook. He shook his head at the thought. She bares my child he thought as he climbed on the bed laying next to her.

I woke up feeling someone lay next to me. I wrapped my arms around him. In the dark it was hard to tell if it was Jimin or jungkook none the less they both meant something to me. "Did I wake you up ?" The voice is Jimin asked as I sleepily peeked to look at him. I shook my head. "How's Jennie doing ?" I asked getting him flustered as he disregarded to visit her. "She's .. She's the same."

Jennie stayed in her chamber waiting for Jimin to return to her but he never did. "Now that she bares his child he not coming anymore huh ?" She scoffed angrily. "Did you get the powder I asked for ?" Her maid nodded showing her the bottle filled of white powder. Jennie smirked, "that little scum has to leave before it gets difficult to get rid of him."

"Jimin, You only have one week to visit me or else I'll make sure you will never see you little scum again."


It's short but I'm running out of time. So I'm posting what I have completed. Apologies for incorrections I haven't reread it yet, like always. Hope you guys enjoy.

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