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( final)

It's been a few weeks now since Jin came to visit the lonely palace. Jimin slipped the ripped map through his fingers examining it. As always Jin's words to his ears always creates doubts but as he calculated the locations of the red dot on the map he noticed it was located behind the border of his nation. So off he traveled full of curiosity of what awaited him beyond the border.

I got up early leaving jungkook and the kids who were still asleep. Noticing that the water had gone low I went to the river to scoped some water for breakfast. I walked into the water filling up the bucket, but as it was full my weak frame baring jungkook's unborn I lost the ability to pick it up as I use to. I struggled to remove it from the river. Suddenly a hand reached out grabbing the bucket and setting it to the side of the river. "Let me help you." The calm voice said making me look up at him. My eyes widen in shock. "Jimin ..."

"Thalina !" Jungkook called from behind me as he rushed over to me noticing that I was out to get water. Jimin slightly smiled at us as jungkook looked at me. "How come you didn't wake me up ? You could've hurt our baby Yoongi. Are you hurt anywhere ?" He checked me. "Oppa I'm fine. Yoongi is fine too."

"Let me help you carry it." Jungkook's eyes focused to Jimin. "Hyung. It's .. been a long time.." Jimin gently nodded as he looked at me. "Indeed it has been." I didn't know what to say to after all these years of happiness and the one thing that made me fear happiness stood right in front of me. "How have you been doing thalina." He softly asked me in an unfamiliar tone I've never heard him use. "I'm .. living it to the fullest."

"Can I have a word with you ?" I looked at jungkook for his permission and he nodded. "I'll be right back." Jimin and I walked away from jungkook leaving him standing there by the river as we walked closer to his royal horse. "Thalina .. I'm sorry." He said as he stopped his track looking at me. "You don't have to be. I've learned to forget and forgive long ago." I looked away from him as he continued to stare at me. "You've gotten prettier. Seems like Jungkook have been taking good care of you." I nodded with a smile. "I'm sorry I wasn't a good husband to you." I shook my head preventing my tears to fall recalling all the times with him. "You .. you did the best you can. I don't blame you.."

"Of course you will never blamed me." He said. "I'm .. sorry I .. couldn't give you freedom when you wanted it the most."

"Stop, Jimin."

"Stop apologizing." I repeated. "Things were bound to happen that way."

"I missed you and Dream everyday .. do you know that.." he said as tears swelled up in his eyes. "I missed you treating me nicely even if you didn't love me. Now I live my days in the lonely palace that you left me."

"I didn't leave you Jimin. You left me. You sought death to be greater then my happiness. You sought it to be better than your own happiness. If you're only going to apologize let that past." I turned back about to leave but he held my hand. "I'm willing to submit to you, will you return to the palace with me ? I promise you I will give you the freedom I took from your life." I slipped his hand away from mine. I shook my head. "Even if you submit to me I won't return. I'm happy here, with jungkook, with my two children, and this unborn. I'm happy here Jimin. This is my life a life you can never give me, because you are a King."

"What does Jungkook have that I don't have ?" He asked as his overwhelming tears fell tracing the shape of his cheeks. "Freedom."

"If you're here to pursued me to go back with you, you have your answer. Please leave me and my family alone. You have a whole nation awaiting for its king to return."

"Can I .. hug you .. for the last time .. ?" I stopped before even turning my back to him. I looked at him as he sadly pleaded me. I gently nodded. The last .. He quickly pulled me into his arms afraid I will change my mind. "I missed this so much." My arms stayed at my side afraid to embrace him again. Afraid of the long lost confusion that claimed my mind. It was a lie then, when you asked if I ever loved you. I loved you before you married Jennie. Before you treated me ruthlessly I did love you once. You were the prince to my fairytale but Jungkook was my king. Jungkook was my once upon a time with a happy ending. I thought as he held me tightly not yet ready to let go. I gently pushed him away and walked away. "I .. submit to you Thalina." Jimin said while he watched her return back to Jungkook as she hugged him and kissed him in front of him.

He watched as the couple smiled sweetly at each other as the male held the heavy bucket of water while holding Thalina's hand. Slowly and softly they left the king's provisional frame.

If there's another life time I wish to treat you better. I still love you Thalina and that love is my submission.


Howd you guys like it ? Thoughts ? Opinions ? Confusion ? Complaints if any ?

I'm curious to know what y'all think about this ff. First time writing about a male that's not the lead.

TBH I cried a little writing this. But it's the finale.
The story gotta end and leave my mind once and for all so I can FOCUS on my exam. Spent more that 6 hours on writing 4 chapters with 3,000 words. Phew so gonna fail that exam tmr..

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