old "friends "

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Russia's Pov~~

  Ukraine and I guess Canada was the name had the same homeroom as for me and America we had the same homeroom too. We split up when we reached Ukraine and Canada's homeroom hallway and waved goodbye. Me and America turned around and headed to our homeroom before we were late. We finally made it to the class after a few minutes of walking I saw the teacher had a seating chart so me and America went to see where we sat, I was in the second to last row in the seat all the way to the left, there was a window next to the desk infront of me. America sat in the in the row infront of me two desk away from mine, he looked sad at the sitting chart but we just walked to our seat and sat down waiting for the teacher to come in.

  After a few classes passed it was lunch America had different classes then me but we had history and math together so thats okay. I start walking down the hallway to my locker to put some of my things away I reach my locker after a bit of walking I put in the combination and open the locker I put away a few things before closing it back up and heading to the cafeteria.

America's Pov~~

  The bell rings and students start filling the hallways I grab my things and head out the class myself I head over to the lockers and open mine, I put I few things inside and close it.I turn around and start walking to the cafeteria to meet up with Canada when I see a fimiliar face..."China?!"...I wanted to panic but I just decided to walk the other way and hope he doesn't see me but just when I take a few steps away I hear "hey America.. how've you been buddy.." I hear china and his group of friends laugh. I try to walk away  when I feel a hand grab on to my shoulder, I jump a bit and look to see one of China's friends hands had  stopped me..'Spain'..I look up but before I could put my head straight I was pushed to the floor loosing my breath..I push myself up but one of the three kick me causing me to fall on my stomach again..I flinch to the pain..next thing I know Spain picks me up and slams me into the lockers "How about we show him who's boss arpund here" my eyes widen I didn't want this year to be like last year..not at all...Spain punches me in the stomach and drops me to the floor causing me to groan due to the pain I manage to stand but not for long as china kicks me down and putting his foot on my back keeping me down on the floor I let out a few Huff's of breath before being pulled back up and punched in the face the side leaving a bruise on my cheek but not my side I flinch to the pain in my body but gets kick down once again before being slammed backed up to a locker causing my head to bleed a little china was about to punch me when we hear "опусти его в китаю.." I look to my right to see Russia china let go of me dropping me to the floor and went up to the Russia "what did you say Russia?" He look Russia  straight in the eyes "I said Leave. Him. Alone. China..." Russia looked at china with a serious tone in his voice with his Russian accent China backed up a little "let's go boys" china said walking off with his friends. Russia walks over to me "are you okay Америка?" He asks I just nodded due to the pain in my stomach he shakes his head and picked me up bridal style and started walking off to the nurse im guessing I couldn't tell since I fell asleep half way.

Russia's Pov~~

  I hear laughter 'i a group of friend joking around' [Slam] I look over to the source of the noise and see "Америка..?!" And two countries laughing at him while the third is pinning him against the locker by his neck I walk a little closer noticing it was china and his little 'gang' I walk over to them inturupting china from punching america, "опусти его в китаю.." I say looking straight at china, "what did you say Russia?" He says while letting go of ame (causing ame to fall on the floor) he turns over at me looking at me straight into the eyes. I look back at him showing no signs of fear or any emotions "I said Leave. Him. Alone. China..." I tell the country staring him down with seriousness in my voice causing him to step back a little "let's go boys" he says walking of with his little 'gang' "are you okay Америка??" I ask ame he responds with a nod I can tell it's due to the pain and shake my head while picking him up and start walking him to the nurse holding him bridal style. After a few minutes of walking I look down to see America sleeping to my surprise 'I admit he did look really peaceful and cute'..."What are you thinking Russia?!" I say to myself scilently shaking the thought out of my head we finally make it to the nurse and I place him on one of the beds and explain to the nurse what happened she just nods in understandment and tells me I can take a seat in a chair near the door if I want to wait for him I nod and take a seat in one of the chairs.

America's Pov~~

  I wake up in what I'm guessing is the nurse's  office I sit up I groan a bit due to the soreness and pain in my body I look around to see Russia sitting down near the door I look over at the nurse she looks at me and says 'I am free to leave if I'm feeling better' I nod and stand up slowly I walk over to Russia and tap him on the shoulder waking him up, he stands up "how are you feeling Америка..?" He asks "I feel better I guess..?" I say looking up at him Russia smiles "then let's get going schools about to end any mi-" the bell rings "I'm guessing the days over?" Russia nods and we start walking to the front of the school to see if we can fine Canada and Ukraine just in case they are worried I'm guessing they don't know about me and Russia being at the nurse half of the day.
  We make it to the entrance of the school being spotted by Canada straight away "America! Where Were You During and After Lunch..Are You Okay?!" Canada asks me in a panicing tone I nod at him "I got hurt and Russia helped me to the nurse." I explained Canada sighed in relief "well that's good I guess " Canada said trying not to worry so much Russia decided to go and look for Ukraine and the rest of his siblings I'm guessing? Me and Canada just went home talking to eachother as usual.

1238 words

Hoped you guys enjoyed part two of 'Im Fine' see you later bye~~

'' 🄸🄼 🄵🄸🄽🄴 ''Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora