The One With Cheries Perfect Birthday

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Fluff & Smut




"Roger, put that down- that's for the children," I don't know why I asked the guys to help me put this together. They're not really helping!

Brian and Anita are at least listening to my vision as they set up the streamers in the main hall. Kash just called to say that she's on her way with Mum and Dad.

"Freddie!," Deacy's voice calls out from the back patio. He and Veronica have been setting up the picnicking area, so that we can move the party outside.

"Yes, John?," I raise my eyebrow at him while he holds a long rope in one hand, a beetle juice piñata in the other and a confused look on his face.

"What's up with the piñata? It's scaring the kids!," He chuckles and shakes his head as he brings it over to me.

"It's a long story- Beetle Juice was the first movie we ever went out to see in theaters on a date together.," though John nods his head at my short explanation, he takes the piñata back out to the garden any way.

The truth is, the story isn't all that long. I just didn't feel like jumping into explaining it, when I have so little time to finish up the surprise party until Cherie and Rose get back. Now that the thoughts of our first movie date come to mind, I smile all through decorating the kitchen as I play back the memory.

Cherie and I decided that it's been a while since we went out on a date. Obviously, being on bad terms didn't help much. But, now that we are back on track, I've decided a trip to the movies would be a great start.

"All that's there is scary movies. I don't think I can watch any of them without covering my eyes the whole time," Cherie's eye read over the movie options at the theater ticket line.

"Don't worry, Angel. I'll be your shining knight should any scary monster pop out at us tonight," I smile down to her smirking face until the smirk becomes that magnificent dazzling smile that I adore.

"Okay- lets do it. Anything, but the exorcist, please!," Even her whining voice is adorable.

I walk up to the ticket booth, while Cherie waits in the concession stand line. While I'm waiting my turn next in line, I peak over my shoulder towards Cherie, to find that she's already staring at me. She instantly starts to pink up and she quickly turns herself to order at the cashiers call. She's too sweet for me- but, I could love her.

"Two tickets for Beetle Juice, please," As I walk up to Cherie I see that she's already paid for our drinks and popcorn. I wanted to do that.

We make our way into the theater and I usher us to one of the side seats, near the mid section of the theater, but a bit hidden. I step aside once I've found the perfect spot to allow Cherie to sit away from the aisle. I would usually strive for dead center seaya of a better view for movie theaters, but if I did that now- we wouldn't have any privacy.

All through the movie, anytime Beetle Juice would come on the screen, Cherie would grip my bicep and bury her head against my shoulder. Looking down at her, her hair falls as a curtain, hiding her face away. She has the most exquisitely beautiful face I've ever seen.

"He's gone now," I whisper down to her, trying anything just to get a quick peak at those eyes.

She lifts her head up and looks to the screen in relief. I honestly had tried to pick the movie that would scare her the least, but I'm kind of content with my choice now that she's getting so close to me. The entire time we were in that theater I  hoped that she would be fine enough with just squeezing my arm. My hands were sweating profusely and though I kept wiping them on my jeans- just having Cherie use me as her 'protective Papi'' (her words not mine), it made my stomach flutter with bubbling excitement. It's a rush just be with her.

"Rose texted, she said they're going to be heading this way now," Anita announces to all of us. We all shuffle into the house now- everything is set up as best as we could manage in such short time. I hope she's going to like it.


Since the day I met her, she was always able to put a stop to my heart as soon as she entered my view. Like the heavens had opened one extremely lonely and saddened day and decided that I'd somehow deserved one of its angels.

The way she holds herself, even before I ever got a glance at her beauty- she exudes confidence, though now I know her doubts. It doesn't make a difference though, because she never lets them show.

As we shout our surprises and the kids shoot off their confetti poppers- I can't help myself. I run up to her and lift her to her feet, twirling us around as she giggles and waves to our closest friends and family wishing her happy birthday.

She is everything to me.


After my attempt at a strip tease, Cherie seems to be the one with the upper hand in teasing me now. She's finally given in to me as she slides beneath my body. I look her over, her body freshly waxed and still smooth from the spa treatment. Her bouncy breasts make my hard cock pulse as I feel them run against my chest.

I enjoy the taste of her for what seems like hours, a special birthday treatment of my mouth on her hotness. Like a good little puppy, obediently trained, I lap up every drip and droplet of her juices as she screams to the gods- thanking me for her orgasmic trip.

"Put it in me, now Papi. I need you," Her whimpering request makes all the blood race down to my tip as a slow drip of precum slips out. I'd gladly drown in her pussy all night if she'd let me.

"Fuuuck Cherie,"  never. Never will I get used to this rapturous euphoria.

Her pressure is intoxicating, her pulls give me a sense of delirium; if this is drunk in love- I am ever-lastingly addicted.

As we both spiral down together, we pour into each other and I groan out in pleasure as her howling whines exclaim this glorious nirvana.

"I love you, Cherie. You don't even know how full you've made my heart...and my life, too. I was nothing like the man I've grown to become. It's all because of you, your love, your care- and me wanting so badly to be whatever it is you needed and wanted.," I talk into her hair that still smells like fresh Rose petals from her shampoo. Her head is laid across my chest, her fingers swirl my curly chest hairs as she places soft kisses on my skin as I keep professing my love and gratitude to the birthday girl.

"I wished for you, Cherie. I prayed. I even wrote a song about it- when I first seen you that's it. I was hooked. I was long gone before I even knew that I was. I wanted nothing more than to get you to let me love you. To protect you and keep you as mine forever.,"

She picks her head up to stare at me, her hands under her chin as she keeps them on my chest. Smiling up at me with those big brown eyes- the divine liquid orbs of true soulmates living together in this one life in our timeline.

I'm sure we've met before. I know, in the next life cycle, we will meet again. I'll always have it in me to find her. No matter how long it takes. This time, we were lucky enough to find each other so young and so soon. I bet my old soul couldn't wait to find her again. Every lifetime, I vow to find her quicker and sooner- I do.

One Shots/WHAT IF.....(Freddie Mercury & Cherie)Where stories live. Discover now