The One Where Freddie Doesnt Know(Part2ofthe0theroneSUEME)

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Freddie's POV:

I drum my fingers against my knees as I sit at the very back of our saloon. The pre-show jitters never fully went away, no matter how skillfully I've mastered the rule of owning the stage.

We're on our way to our last show of our tour. Welcoming us back home to England in the only fashion suitable for rock and roll. One last concert, in our home land before we get to take a break. A much needed break!

My mind wanders back to her, just as it always does before every concert, or any free minute when my mind wasn't occupied with work and song writing. I had half a glimmer of hope that Cherie would show up to my birthday celebration in Vegas. When she never came, I got so pissed that I had to be escorted and excused out of my own party. I was being a real grouch and alcohol didn't help it. I still can't remember everything from that night- I blacked out!

As the limo pulls up to the rear of the stadium, the backstage entrance lines with fans who lined up on either side of the security railings. In their hands they hold signs and posters and cameras. The excitement in their faces warm my heart.

The five of us- Roger, Bri, Deacy and Paul, pile out of the limo to the roar of the screaming crowd. Keeping a slow but steady pace, we all take our time to sign whatever is thrusted into our hands and pose for a few photos. We always try to make the time to greet our fans, if I could stop and talk with each one of them- I would.


My head whips back to the crowd, just as Paul had grabbed my arm to pull me into the backstage door that security is holding open for us. That voice. It's all too familiar. I try to scan the crowd for the culprit of my heartache, but the flashes of cameras are much to bright to see through.

Reluctantly, I admit that my mind is just playing tricks on me. What would she be doing her, in England. Yeah, right, Fred.

I turn and follow Paul and the rest of Queen Backstage, the doors shut behind me as her imaginary voice taunts my ears.

Freddie- wait!!



I jump around and stretch my arms above my head trying to cause some attention as I call out his name. My heart leaps into my throat as the sight of anticipation crosses his features. He stops walking and scans the crowd in search of my voice, at least I think. His eyes squint around and his hand goes to his forehead, seemingly trying to shut out the bright flashes flicking off of cameras all around me.

I watch as his excited face drops and he shakes his head, turning and disappearing behind the security door. Great. How the hell will I reach out to him now?

After Queen has left, the crowd starts to dwindle down as they head for the main entrance with their tickets in hand. I stand alone, baffled and confused- the guards eye me suspiciously as I'm now the only person left with them.

Feeling the pressure of their glare, I turn to walk to the end of the sidewalk and sit down at a loss on the curb. Gripping the roots of my hair in my hands, I'm torn between what I should do next. Clearly, if he could not see me in this small crowd, there's no way he would spot me in a sea of screaming fans in the audience of the concert. Not with those bright stage lights blinding him and any attempt of mine to holler at him will surely be drowned out by the fans deafening shrieks.

Just as I collect myself to my feet, a cab slows by the curb a few feet beside me. My eyes make contact with the woman inside and I quickly turn away to follow the line of people near the other side of the stadium.

One Shots/WHAT IF.....(Freddie Mercury & Cherie)Where stories live. Discover now