The One With the Love Child (canon)

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News about the twins arrival has spread across the papers, as well as the torturous birth story about Cherie's labor that somehow was leaked. Crumby loose lipped hospital staff, probably.

Cherie is still in too much of a delicate state to be bothered with any such nonsense. I only came across the articles in passing. Thankfully, no photos of my family are anywhere out there and I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible. I never really thought that 'dad mode' would instinctively kick in as it did, but one things for sure: my children will not be written about or photographed for any amount of money until or unless I say so.

As sleepless as the two of us are now a days, I simply can't get enough of looking over very inch of my little darlings. They are the most adorable children I've ever seen. Mum and Kash have been staying over to help us. One baby was tiring enough for new parents- two is an absolute need for assistance, at least for us. Especially, knowing how close of a call it had been for Cherie. I shudder still just replaying the memories in my head.

Kash comes tip-toeing down the steps and gestures for me to follow her. She suspiciously looks over her shoulder as if she's worried someone is following us in my own house. Strangely enough, she doesn't stop walking until we are into the garage. She shuts the door behind me and pulls a magazine out of her jacket.

"Freddie, have you seen this?," her eyes bug out widely as she shoves the glossy paper into my hand.

I roll my eyes at her without even reading it. "Yeah, I know. Fucking press won't stop until they literally see the children!," I said, assuming that it was just another story like the last few I've seen.

"No, not that. Look!," She points to the main story line. There's is a picture of me as a baby, next to a toddler with quite a resemblance. I turn my head to the side in confusion.

'Freddie's Secret Love Child Revealed'

I skim to page 26 as the title suggests and quickly read through the article.

'Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen, just welcomed twin babies this past week with his wife, Cherie Mercury. Although, it may seem like the typical loving family welcoming their first born children into the world, it seems Freddie has a bit of explaining to do.

Candace Monty, an ex-lover Of Mercury, claims that her toddler son is in fact the rockstars real first child. She was quoted as follows: "Freddie never did know that I had become pregnant shortly before we called it quits. I never was able to contact him after that. He had changed his phone number and with high security around him at all times, there was no way to tell him the truth."

It seems Mercury and the toddler, Edward "Eddie" Monty, share a striking resemblance when comparing baby pictures. Mercury has been unable to be reached for comment.'

I throw the magazine across the garage floor in a huff. Such fucking trash!

"You have to tell Cherie...before someone else's not your fault Freddie, you didn't know!," Kash keeps rambling on as I try to rack my brain for a memory of this Candace broad.

"Kash, I have no idea who this woman is! She's a bloody tramp and a liar!," I'm so damn angry that I slam my fists into the hood of my car without caring if it leaves dents or not. How fucking dare these bastards! Can't a man be happy and content for one fucking minute!

"'s a fake then?," Kash asks, her face filled with caution as she waits for my reply.

I scowl at her, but then soften my expression. I know she only meant well. "Of course it's a lie, Kash! I hadn't even been with a woman since Mary!" My voice is starting to crack. I haven't said that name since the day of the brawl in my yard.

"Oh?," Kash's immediate response sounded like a question. She knew all too well the terrible end to mine and Mary Austen's relationship. We had dated for years, until I told her I was more attracted to men. It was a hard heartbreak nonetheless and she was never fully able to look at me the same way. We tried being friends, but we could both tell it was phony, so we ended all contact one and for all since the first time she met one of my boyfriends. That's the short version of the story- I've nothing more to say on that. It doesn't bug me anymore anyway. I have Cherie.

We walk out of the garage and into the kitchen where an exhausted Cherie stood by the stove, heating up a tea kettle.

"Baby, why didn't you call for me. I would've brought you up some tea..," I said to her in a soft tone as I walked up behind her.

I see Kash walk up the stairs and she points to the magazine that she kindly left on the table and mouths 'tell her' before disappearing up the steps.

Cherie pours herself a cup and turns to face me. My poor angel, she looks completely worn out. I'm sure I look similar, but I'm definitely no where near as tired as she is. She's been through too much in a short few days time, she doesn't need to be bothered with bollocks stories in the damn gossip mills. Before she can see the magazine on the table I grab it and slide it down into the closed chair seat.

"I'm going to try and get some sleep. Are you coming?," she asks while walking away.

"I'll just be a minute, my love," I say as I watch her go up to our bedroom.

Once she's out of sight, I pick up the magazine again and shove it into one of the kitchen drawers that's full of garbage that I've never thrown away. I stifle a yawn and hope that we'd be able to get at least an hour of sleep before the babies wake up.

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