Chapter 5

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After days of Hazel not being at work she finally decided go back to CMA instead of staying at home all day. Her only goal was to avoid Sawyer. She knew she eventually had to talk to him and see him but she wasn't ready yet. Her dad should be home soon and she's so happy.


Hazel turned around and found out who was calling her name. She turned the opposite direction and walked off.

"Hazel please talk to me."

"No Sawyer I don't want to talk. I don't want to see you. Do me a favor and leave me alone."

"But Hazel please just listen to me"
"I told you Sawyer didn't like you"

"Well now I believe you"

"He thinks you're ugly, he told me. I wouldn't blame him look at you then look at me. No wonder he likes me more."

"Stop being so mean. I never did anything to you why are you doing this to me."

"It's because you like MY boyfriend. There's a huge problem with that."

"Charlotte, you have no idea what you're talking about I don't like him can't you get a hint."

"I can tell you like him still.  You might pretend you don't, but I can tell. he will never like you, you're ugly and mean and your not his type."

Hazel knew Charlotte was right she still did like Sawyer but he obviously doesn't like her. Sawyer is the best thing that ever happened to her and now she's finding out the truth about him.

"Phoebe can I talk I you?"

"Sure,Hazel, what about?"

"What would you do if your best friend got a girlfriend, who you disliked, and never told you? And you liked your best friend more than a friend? This is all hypothetical of course."

"That's a very specific hypothetical question. Are you sure this isn't about you and Sawyer?"

"No I can guarantee this is totally hypothetical."

"Ok then I would tell my best friend how I feel and don't approve of his new girlfriend."

"Mom I have no idea what to do"

"About what honey"

"About Hazel Mom. She's totally avoiding me. Charlotte told her that me and her were dating. I'm pretty sure something else is happening with her.can you tell me what to do?"

"Go talk to her and straighten things out."
"Phoebe my dad was supposed to be here by now"

"Yeah I know his flight came in at 12:05"

The announcer came on the intercom
"The 12:05 flight's signal has been lost and we have no radio contact with them. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"Oh no, Phoebe that's dad's flight." Hazel launched herself into Phoebe's arms. She was crying with so much pain. Only thinking of what happened to her father.

"I know,Hazel, I know" Phoebe was crying along with Hazel both had much pain.
Hazel knew she was still mad at Sawyer but she had no one else to talk to. She also knew she had to eventually forgive Sawyer. She thought today is the day to forgive and straighten things out.

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