"Alright dad, got the camera ready?" Sarah asked Mr. Savas who was standing a couple feet away, phone raised, smile spread across his face.

"Don't film it." Owen muttered.

I let out a sigh, rolling my eyes at how silly he was being. This was a huge moment for him and he should be excited. His dad was only trying to join in on the excitement and accomplishment. That is if we ever got Owen to actually try.

"You're not allowed to say you can't today Owen." Sarah's voice stern. I smiled as I heard her say "knock it off". He must have tried to argue.

"But I just.." He stammered.

So I cut him off before he could voice his doubts. Before he could send them out into the world and give them even more power.

"You need to try Owen." I urged, leaning into his line of sight.

We weren't going to get anywhere with him like this. It wasn't like I had some magical pep talk I could tell him. But I also knew Owen. And I knew once I could get him to swallow down his fear just ever so slightly, he'd be unstoppable.

"Sit back down." I instructed, sharing a look with Sarah to give us a minute.

Owen sat down immediately, his head lowered, chest heaving. I felt for him and the fear that he struggled with. I'd never understand what it felt like to not feel half of your body, I knew that, but I understood fear. But I'd also witnessed how much progress he'd made. And I knew he was capable of far more. So I stepped in front of him, hands resting on his knees as I leaned down in front of him. He slowly raised his eyes to meet mine. The brown I was so used to seeing steady and patient, swirling with doubt.

"You can do this." I told him. "I promise, you can. Sarah's here to help, I'm here. We have you. Trust us Owen, trust me."

He closed his eyes, letting out a strained breath. I watched him closely, studying the angles of his face, his dark mop of hair that he'd been letting grow longer. It hung in his face in soft unruly chunks, I wanted to push it back out of his face but I didn't. And I silently begged him to give in, to trust me, to stop doubting himself and just try. I wouldn't let him fall. I couldn't.

His eyes flickered open, once again meeting mine. I held in a breath, knowing this was the moment. This was either when he was going to let his fear win or trust me. His head slowly nodded, my heart bursting in my chest with admiration. And unlike usual, I didn't try to stifle down my smile. I was too excited, too happy, too proud of him in that moment to not let it show through.

"Good. We've got this." I reassured him one more time as I stepped back to my spot. "You can trust me, I'm not going to let anything happen."

And without any hesitation, even before Sarah and the other therapist helping us managed to get back to the bars, he was already pulling himself upright.

"You're going to lift yourself with your arms." Sarah explained again. "Swing your left side through."

"You've got it." I said softly beside him.

"Come on buddy!" Mr. Savas shouted.

I heard Owen take a deep breath, I closed my eyes trying to send whatever encouragement and help I could to him telepathically. He just needed to try.

And just like that he did it. His left leg swung forward, a smile wide across my face as I gently guided his leg with him.

"Good!" Sarah cheered. "You're good! You did it."

Owen didn't wait but mere seconds before he tried moving his right leg. It wasn't as successful as his left but he also had less feeling. But it didn't really matter, all that mattered was that he was trying. He was trying and he did it and I was so unbelievably happy and excited for him I had this urge to jump up and wrap my arms around him.

"You're getting this dad!?" Sarah asked Mr. Savas as I stayed focused on Owen.

"Hell yes!" Mr. Savas replied.

Owen was already shifting his weight back to his arms to lift his body the few inches he needed to allow his leg to swing through.

"You've got it." Sarah repeated.

I helped his leg along, sneaking a quick glance up to take in the side of Owen's profile. That smile spread across his face, his brown eyes lit up and electric. My heart was beating hard in my chest and I swallowed down the words that bubbled up in my throat. I couldn't tell Owen how amazing I thought he was. It'd crack doors I couldn't open.

"Awesome. Let's stop there. That was great Owen, great work." Sarah praised.

I wheeled Owen's chair close behind him and locked the wheels before stepping back and out of the way. Mr. Savas bounded to Owen, ruffling his dark hair with his hand before he pulled him into a hug.

I couldn't help but watch them. The love that Mr. Savas so clearly had for his son. I knew they weren't prefect but I longed for even the imperfect. I just wanted Penny to care about me, to put me before her for once. I wanted my dad to not be everything Penny always told me he was. I wanted a real parent. The kind that worked to give you what they never had, that help you find your way when you were lost, that stood fast when your world crumbled, that cheered you on from the sidelines, and celebrated your victories harder than you did yourself.

Penny would never be that parent. And I was terrified that neither would my dad.

Owen wrapped his arms around his dad, his dad speaking softly into his hair. I wanted to tell him how lucky he was. How even though he only had his dad, that he had far more than I did.

As they parted, Owen looked at him. The fear in his eyes gone, filled with triumph and pride. He deserved that feeling. He glanced at me that soft, sweet smile on his face. The one that made him seem less obnoxious and more like a guy that was real. A guy that wouldn't leave. I knew those thoughts were bad, that I shouldn't even entertain them. But I did. I gave myself just a few minutes, eyes locked with his, smiles matching, hearts beating, and I let myself dream that Owen wasn't like the rest.


7 chapters guys. 7 chapters until we're where Owen's story stopped. Are you excited! I am.

Holy shit though, am I tired. My tiny humans woke up and partied in the house this morning and guess what I did. Slept the fuck right through it all 😂.   Apparently my oldest (he's four) fed them cookies for breakfast while they laid in their underwear on the couch watching cartoons before they decided to make a fort and push my furniture all around the living room. I feel like they must have enlisted the dog somehow because our couches are heavy but it's hard to tell because the dog isn't acting guilty and she's always the one that gives them away when they've done something they shouldn't do. Her eyebrows dance and she looks up at me with big brown eyes like "it's not my fault, they made me do it!"

But whatever, at least we're all still alive and I'm just going to keep that they inhaled cookies all morning to myself and we'll try again tomorrow morning. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up 🤣. Probably not.

Why you ask, that I'm so tired? How sweet of you to care! Seriously, you guys are great!

I've mentioned before but my brother and I started a business together. And well, apparently we were morons and underestimated how likeable we are ( 🤣😂🤣 I'm totally fucking with you, my brother is the likeable one, I'm the awkward, inappropriate sailor standing in the background like a creep). But anyway, we've got a ton of a business which is awesome however this is our first time starting a business and we were not as prepared as we thought to start taking on jobs. The funny part is, is neither of us have tried to find jobs, they just keep finding us. Which is AH-MAZING but shit, I was up for hours last night trying to play catch up.

This is my morning in emojis -> 😴😴😶😯👩‍👦‍👦🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🤭😳😂😝🤦‍♀️😒🐶🤷‍♀️🤫👊

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