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"Hola?" the guy answered the phone.

"Yes, hello. Is this Edu?" the person on the other side of the phone said in English.

Seeing as this guy spoke in English, he started speaking in the language. "Yes," Edu replied, "what do you want?" he said in a clipped tone.

"My name is Bharat and I'm offering you a job"

This peaked Edu's interest and he wanted to know more.

"I'm listening"

"Well, my boss wants to have a pet jaguar for some reason," he said in an exasperated way, "and I've asked around and found about you. They say you're the one to go to if you want to get a big, wild cat without all the paperwork"

"What's your price?" Edu questioned.

"7,200,500 Costa Rican Colón for the cat" Bharat answered, already knowing his answer. (Around 12,500 America dollars)

Edu thought it over, and after a few moments of silence he gave his reply.

"7,500,000 for the cat, the equipment to capture and cage it, ad to handle it. Along with any injuries my men and I may get along the way, then you have a deal" he said with a firm voice, letting Bharat know that this was his final offer.

After some muffled voices from the other side of the phone, Bharat's voice came through. "Deal. I'll send some of my men to pick it up. Someone will let you know where soon"

The line went dead soon after that, and Edu was left wondering how he'll capture the elusive spotted cat.


Hey guys! This is the start of a new story. Now obviously it's a fanfiction for the 2016's version of The Jungle Book, and this is kind of came out of nowhere, seeing as the movie came out three years ago, but I watched it again and I felt like it. xD

I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'll go back and edit this when this is finished.
Feel free to comment any suggestions, or tips to make this story better!


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