Chapter 5

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Did you hear?

Harry's in the Hospital Wing..

His family hurts him..

He was abused..

Did you hear?

His family tries to kill him...

His family hates him...

He was abused..

He was abused.



Ron couldn't get away from that word..

From the gossip..

From the rumors..


Oh no.. He didnt want to deal with him today..

"So, Potter's hurt, huh?" He chuckles, leaning in, "Looks like it's just you and me then.."

Ron swings around, punching Malfoy square in the nose, sending him flying into the wall.

That felt good.

"You'll pay for that!" Malfoy shouts, reaching for his wand as his nose dripped blood onto the floor and his robes.

"Weasley! You come with me." McGonagall says sharply as she suddenly appeared, turning to Malfoy, "As for you, head to the Hospital Wing."

The professor was silent as they walked.

"Professor, I.." Ron began, but was cut off. "There is no need to apologise Mr.Weasley," She says quickly, "I saw everything."

Ron nods, looking down again.

"How's --"

"Harry?" McGonagall interrupts again, and Ron nods. "Not so well. They are running diagnostics on him and considering taking him to St. Mungos."

Ron teared up again. "It's that bad..?"

"It's worse. Far worse than I'd ever imagined."

Ron glances up to her, noticing that her eyes seemed a little glossier than usual.

"Can I go see him..?"

"I don't think that's the best idea at the moment, Mr.Weasley, as much as I'd like to say yes.. He has been through an incredibly traumatic experience, and I fear that he won't be the same."

Ron nods in understanding, looking down and tearing up again. "I wish I could've done something.."

"Don't we all.." She responds solemnly. "But unfortunatly, we would have only be able to do as much as Harry would have allowed us to do.. And seeing him now, it wouldn't have been much.. This was.."

"..Unavoidable..." Ron finishes quietly, and she nods. "Precisely."

They continued to walk in silence until they arrived at her office. She opens the door and allows him inside. Ron sits at her desk, watching as she sits as well.

"Due to how things are.. I will excuse you from all your classes today, and today only. I understand you are worried for your friend, so I will give you one day to compose yourself. After you are back in class, you and Miss Granger are to gather Harry's classwork and homework assignments each day until he returns. Understood?"

Ron nods silently.

It's silent in the office for a while before a quiet sniffling is heard. McGonagall looks down to see Ron, his hands covering his face as his shoulders shook with sobs.

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