"What's that?" I asked again.He chuckled a little bit before gasping in pain.

"Are you that stupid?"he asked cockily. I ground my teeth and pushed a little harder and he gasped in even more pain.

"It's the stone that will bring power to whoever weilds it,"he whispered out. I looked up from his wound and to his face as if he were a crazy person. What the hell is wrong with him. I just shook my head and ripped a peice of my shirt from the bottom and pressed it against his wound. I grabbed his hands and made them replace my hands. Taking a deep breath I drug him into one of my closets. Which one I didn't exactly know. I exhaled just as someone knocked on my door.

"What?!"I called out.

"Mia? Was that a gunshot? Open the door,"I heard Alexander call out. Shit! His room was right next to mine so of course he heard it. I began to panic and that was never a good thing.When I panic I start hyperventilating and then I faint. It's a stupid paranoia thing that formed a year ago.....in the dark days.I took my shirt off and grabbed a shirt from a random rack. I didn't have time to see what it said because I could tell Alex was geting agitated.I slammed the door to my closet and ran to the door.When I passed by the blood on my carpet I just threw some random clothes ontop of the ruby liquid. I swung open the door and my brother stumbled in.

"Hey bro,"I said breathlessy. He righted himself and frowned at me.

"Mia what the hell was that?" he asked angrily. I smiled innocently.

"What was what?" I asked him sweetly. He growled deep in his throat and that made me frown. Weird much?

"You know exactly what I'm talking about,"he snapped irately. This time it was my turn to frown at him. What crawled up his ass , screamed and died?

"You know, you should be a little kinder to your little sister who's life is being ruined by the man who spent countless hours making us. Especially since I won't be here for long,"I told him with a small humorless smile. His eyes flamed when he heard me say the last part.

"You better not be thinking what I think your thinking. I-I can't lose another one. If you even think your getting away with anything you'd better think again,"he said menicingly.He choked a little in the middle and I looked away. When I looked back at him I smiled brightly.

"You know you said 'think' about five times in that whole little speech thingy,"I told him non-chalantly. He frowned and thought back for a minute.He smirked a little.

"Huh guess I did," he muttered. Alex was absolutly facinated with numbers, I quiet frankly don't see the facination. He had once told our family to tell him if he said the same word over two times in one breath if the word was more than three letters. I know it's confusing and not normal but unless normal families hide AK's under their beds then we arn't normal at all. I laughed slightly and began to close my door. His foot caught my door just before it closed. I opened it and he was there staring at me angrily.

"Fine don't tell me, keep playing with fire. Just don't come crying to me when you get burned,"He told me as calmly as he could but I heard the anger in his voice. I frowned. I would never want this to happen between my brother and I. He looked at me and his eyes softened contradicting his words. Before I could say anything he went to his room and slammed the door. I sighed as I closed the door. I rushed back to the closet to see the black op guy slummped over breathing harshly. Sometime while I was shuffling through my clothes he woke up.

"What are you doing?"he breathed. I looked at him silently and went back to looking til I found an old black t shirt to rip up and tie around him. With a single tug the thin fabric seperated and I walked back over to the man. Hesitantly I reached up and pulled off the mask. His face knocked the breath out of my body. He was so beutiful. Jesus that was a foreign word running through my mind. He was hot, but not as hot as Roman. HOLY SHIT! Okay that was even more foreign, and scary.The man's nose was straight and his lips were perfectly sculpted. They wern't as full as Roman's but they were just as taunting. His skin was nicely tanned and smooth but now it looked ghostly pale especially against his dark brown hair. Once again I frowned and went back to my room. From my bed I grabbed a white sheet and from my closet I got my advanced first aid kit. When you grow up around guns you learn to patch up simple gunshot wounds. Because I was the Don's daughter I learned more than simple gun wound care. I went back to the closet and dumped the stuff near him but not within his arm reach. I went and grabbed a bucket from under my sink and filled it with warm water while I grabbed towels. When I got back into the closet he already had his shirt off. His body was perfectly chisled with a few scars scattered across his body.His stomache had the perfect six pack that would make any guy jeleous. He was sweating profusly but I think he saw my stare because he smirked. That whole day I stayed in my room tending his wounds and taking care of him. At about 2 in the morning I managed to snag a plate of my Mom's amazing lasagne breadsticks and homegrown salad. I brought it to him and he ate like he hadn't eaten in years.That night i learned his name was Anthony and he was 20. When I was sure he'd survive the night I locked the closet door from the outside and went to sleep instantly thinking about the man in my closest reminding me of when I hid a cat i found in my closet when I was younger.

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