🍒One Year🍒

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This final chapter of Cherry Pop has been dedicated to the people that have voted on it and many more people who have read this story and stuck around this long. Thank you for all of the support and here are shout outs to people who have helped me decided the ending for this story: @-chols stupidthoughts2 011353st quirky_finnie sleepyh0urs BrionyLeigh5 gurlygrapes & beneee_bsk .


One Year Later

"So how's the sex life been with you and the hubby? Are you two trying to have more kids?" Sadie asked as we sat in the backyard watching my kids play. My three month old son Vos and my nine ten year old Brooklynn were on the grass playing with pots and wooden spoons like a drum set. Vos just lays on his back on his favorite blanket and kick his pale little feet. "Keep your voice down. My children are literally thirty feet away." I warn her. She shook her head and threw her hand in my direction. "Oh there a good distance away and Brooklynn's banging on pots and pans. Now tell how the sex has been now that you're not pregnant anymore." The red head leans in closer to listen to all of the juicy details.

I play with the ring around my finger as I start to blush. "Well Finn and I don't really have a lot of sex right now because he's busy traveling and working and I don't even want to take my shirt off until I get back to my flat stomach. Other than that, it's pretty great without a big belly in the way." I tell the red head and she was going to speak up until Finn came outside on the porch with us with our other baby in his hands. "Babe, can you hold Amare for just a minute while I go pee? I tried to set her down, but she prefers arms than a bassinet." My husband begs as he rocks the three month old baby in his hands. I smile and graciously take my baby to sit her in my lap and rub my nose against hers.

"Hi, my pretty little lady," she giggles and waves her hands around. "Hi. Daddy will be back." I look up to find Finn and he wasn't around. He must have rushed off to the bathroom. "So you've been keeping your shirt on during sex?" Sadie asks as I turn Amare to face my other two. She claps at her big sister's performance. "Yeah and I'm very careful to not let him near my stomach, it's just too fat and flabby." I say disgusted as I bounce my knees a couple of times. Amare laughs and I do it again. I'm very insecure about my body ever since I've had the twins. I've been working really hard to get my stomach back to normal and I've been figuring out ways to naturally lift my breasts. I don't really wanna do any surgeries.

The red head nods and gets a ding on her phone before checking it and grabbing her stuff. "I gotta go. Caleb wants tomato soup. I'll text you later, babe." Sadie tells me as she leaves through the house to go take care of her sick fiancé. "Bye, auntie Sadie!" I shout back before looking over at Vos in the grass. He was crying and I started lactating, which could only mean that he was hungry. I got up with Amare in my arms and walk over to my son before making him trade places with his twin sister. "Was I too loud?" Brooklynn worries as she stopped banging on the pots. I sat down in the grass and lift my shirt to feed Vos. He instantly latches onto me and I let out a sigh of relief. "No, he was just hungry. But maybe you should play something that's not so loud so we can enjoy the outdoors." I tell her.

The little brunette girl gathers up all of the pots and then Amare starts crying. Then I remembered that she didn't want to be out of arms, so I reach over and grab her to cradle her with my other arm. She stopped crying and looked at me with tearful eyes. "I got you, love. Don't worry." I assure her. She looks at her brother who was nursing and looking back at her. Vos reaches to grab Amare's hand and my heart melts. Amare and Vos are so cute and beautiful, too. They both have very thin straight black hair and pretty light brown eyes. They look so much like Finn when he was a baby, but they also kind of look like me. I know Vos acts like me, always wants something but doesn't want to be around people. He's much calmer than Amare.

"I'm back! Sorry it took so long, I've been hold it all in since Amare woke up from her nap." Finn says as he comes up from behind me. My husband sat down on the grass beside me and his daughter looks up at him. He leans in kisses her forehead softly. She smiles and grabs his nose while laughing. "I love you, babygirl." He whispers to her as he leans his forehead onto her. Vos made a grabby hand at his dad like he wanted the equal attention. I chuckle. "Send some love Vos' way, please." I tell my husband. He crawls around me to my right side to kiss his son on the head. I love you, too, baby boy." He whispers to his son. He's such a good dad, even to his stepdaughter.

Finn looks me in the eyes and gives me a little kiss on the lips. "And of course I love my strong courageous wife." He says to me. I smile. Finn is so sweet. "What about me, dad?" Brooklynn asked after coming back outside from taking all of the pots inside. He waved her closer to him and hugs the little girl before covering her face with kisses. "I love you so so much, my little actress." The man says to his oldest as she laughs and hugs him tighter. I love my little family.



Holy moly, the story is over. I can't believe I finished it, and it only took me since... I actually can't remember when I started this, but that's why I've started putting the dates of like when I start stories in all of my latest books.
ANYWAYS thanks so much to everyone who has shown me lots of support through out my journey of writing Cherry Pop. If you liked this story then I think you'll love the original adaptation for Cherry Pop, Love In Sin City. There are some similarities between the two stories and I will be talking about them soon in my update journal so go add that to your library and keep your eyes peeled for the update where I will be comparing and contrasting.
And, if you hadn't noticed, Millie and Finn named their twins Amare and Vos which is Latin for two words. I've pretty much hinted at what those names translate to in English within the last few paragraphs, but can you tell me what Amare and Vos means in English?
Thanks again for reading my story.🍒

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