🍒Testing the Sheets🍒

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"I'm not gonna talk to him." I sternly tell the red head who dumps a whole bag of chicken nuggets onto a baking pan while her boyfriend was preheating the oven. Sadie snapped her head in my direction and she looks at me like I'm insane. "Millie I'm helping you. You were the one who said you wanted a boyfriend and two minutes later you find this guy who doesn't look like a creep who just wants a quick fuck."

Caleb pinched his eyebrows as he looks between us. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked. I cross my arms and lean against the counter. "Sadie gave out my number to some guy at the store today and now she expects me to just start talking to him." I explain. The ginger rolls her eyes before putting the nuggets in the oven. "You are going to text him, you need this. I need this. Maybe you two will start dating and you'll move in together and then Caleb and I can live together." She said in excitement.

I let a groan escape my lips as I mentally fall down. I wasn't expecting to meet somebody today, I don't even look good. "Mom, can we watch Tangled?" I heard Brooklynn ask from the living room. That's another problem, what if this guy was only nice towards Brooklynn this one time but as we spend more time together he becomes annoyed by her and walks out of my life? What would be even worse is if she grows too attached to him. I just don't want Brooke to go through all of that.

"Sure baby." I replied, turning my head a little to look back at her. Sadie smiles at my daughter before stepping closer to me and whispering something in my ear. "Maybe he'll let you quit your job and let you spend more time with Brooklynn. You never know." I didn't even wanna think about that. What if the exact opposite happens? Like what if he likes my job and he thinks I'm easy and that I'll just let him do whatever he wants to me? Or what if he hates it so much that he ignores me?

My phone went off and I grab it from off the counter beside me. It was an unknown number texting me, but I had an idea of who it was.

Unknown number:
Hi Millie, it's Finn from
the supermarket! How
are you?

Sadie took my phone out of my hands and let out a disappointed sigh. "He text you like four hours after getting your number? He might be a fuckboy, but let's just test that." The red head says before typing on my phone. Caleb glanced over her shoulder and shook his head. "What, don't put the winking face. Are you trying to make her look thirsty?" I don't even stop them, I just let them live in this fantasy world where they think I'll start seeing this guy. The older woman hands me my phone back with a smile. I don't smile back as I take it and read the message.

Hey I'm so glad you
texted! I'm doing fine,
just hanging with my
best friend. How are you?

"Ew, you made me sound boring. You couldn't say something interesting like 'hey I'm at a museum' or 'hey I'm at a park with Brooklynn'." I criticize. Sadie rolled her eyes. "Look it was either that or asking about his new bedsheets and if he wanted to test them out with you followed by a winking face." Caleb explained. My phone went off again and I read the message. I see that they also set up his nickname in my phone.

Future hubby💦😫👅:
I'm good but I'm kind of
lonely. My roommate and
his friend are in the
living room and I'm not very
good at socializing.🙁

I crack a little smirk. He's right about that not good at socializing part. He was just so awkward yet sweet from the moment he saw me. Usually when guys talk to me they're very straight forward and tell me what they want to do with me or they tell me that they're a huge fan of me. I can tell Finn is different, he called me by my real name in the store earlier. "Ooo what'd he say? Was it something dirty?" Sadie asks peering over my shoulder to read the message.

"Oh okay, he's feeling lonely. You know what that means right?" Sadie nudges my arm with a wink and a nod. I furrow my brows at her. "I'm confused, do you want this guy to be a fuckboy or not because you sound like you want me to just invite myself over for sex." I snap at her. Sadie shrugs. She's honestly not helping in this situation, but appreciate the effort. "It's whatever. Honestly though you should ask to hang out if he's feeling all alone. And if he's lucky enough you'll get to show him all your moves like that one where you take his-"

"Mom, the movies ready!" Brooke yells from the other room. I shut off my phone and leave it on the counter, quickly leaving this conversation and the kitchen to go have kid time with my daughter. I hate sex. "Hey good job baby, you did that all by yourself." I say in amazement as the movie started and I took my place right beside her. Brooklynn cuddles up next to me as we start watching together.



Millie left, but her phone didn't. I quietly pick it up and stand beside the oven so Millie couldn't see me from the living room. I unlock her phone and start writing to Finn. "Babe come on, we should stop messing with this dude if she's not into him." Caleb whispers. I gave him the finger as I hit send.

Awe, I'm sorry.
Maybe we can hang out
tomorrow, just you and I.
Meet me at the Starbucks
by the beach @ 4.

Caleb took the phone out of my hands and read the message as I just stood there with such satisfaction. "Sadie no. Millie's gonna lose her shit." The man began to panic. I silently giggle with my hands covering my mouth. I'm just so excited that Millie finally has a good guy to talk to. "Okay well what happens if Millie doesn't want to go and decides to cancel the plan?" "She won't and I'll make sure of it. She has to go on that date." I sternly tell him. The oven goes off and my mouth waters. "Nugget time!" I scream as I pull them out to serve.


I just wanna die.🍒

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