🍒Lose It🍒

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⚠️Smut Warning (why are there even smut warnings like sex is a normal and natural thing and I don't understand why there needs to be any warning. I guess maybe you need a warning if you're out in public and don't want people to read over your shoulder or maybe you aren't ready to know the process so you skip over it. Anyways it's at the end)


Three weeks later

"I missed you! I missed you so much, Finnie!" My girlfriend jumps onto me while she gave me a hug in the middle of the airport. I finally made it to LA after agreeing to take Millie's money. It was very nice of her to help me, though I wish she didn't have to help me. She can't help it though, she's just a very caring person. I'm very thankful for that.

I put the young brunette down and she grabs my face to give me a dozen kisses on the lips. I chuckle and grab her face to stop her. "Let's go home, we can pick up on this later." I wink at her. The woman gasped and helped me carry my bags. "Finnie, what is that supposed to mean?" Millie asked me, but I'm sure she know what I meant so I didn't say anything. I only winked as we walked out. To my surprise, there was paparazzi trying to take pictures of me and Millie and ask us questions. Millie did tell me on the phone earlier that they were here and she even hurried back home to grab a jacket and some sunglasses so nobody would recognize her. I didn't mind if they took pictures of me, however it did make it harder to to get to Sadie's car.


As soon as I walked through the door, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs quickly. "Finnie!" Brooklynn shouts, charging towards me with her arms out wide. She hugged my legged and I laughed a bit before putting my hand on the back of her head kissing her forehead. "I missed you, baby. How are you liking the new room?" She didn't hesitate to answer me. "It's bigger than my old room and I finally have a closet all to myself! I'm gonna go clean up my room because I was playing magician again, but I'll come get you when I'm ready for you to see it!" And then she ran back up the stairs.

"Finn, what do you think of the new house?" Caleb asked me from the kitchen while Millie was grabbing something from the refrigerator. I look around the big and empty living room and also the backyard where Sadie was smoking a cigarette. "It's big and I can't wait till we get some furniture in here." I stated as I sat my bags down in the living to join them in the kitchen. "I'm glad you like the place. Sadie loves her apartment more without us in it. She's told me about all of the wild things that her and Caleb have been up to." Millie stated, grinning at Caleb. I chuckle and give him a high five.

Millie pulled a cake out of the refrigerator that read 'Welcome Home Finn' in big red letters. I aw and give her kiss on the cheek as the brunette sat it down on the counter. "Thank you babe. You didn't have to make me a cake." "I didn't, I bought it." She stated before swiping some of the frosting off of the cake and onto her finger. She licked it up as she looked into my eyes. My throat just suddenly became dry. "I'm gonna go see what Sadie is doing before you guys make your own baby right in front of me." Caleb rushed out before running out of the kitchen and into the backyard.

I grabbed my girlfriend's hips to spin her around so she was facing me while I had her up against the counter. "I thought about you every day since I've been gone, but lately I've had dirty thoughts about you." I admit. Millie wrapped her arms around the back of my neck with a bite of her lip. "Is that right?" She asked. I hum and nod in response. "I even watched a couple of your live streams to keep me going, but they weren't good enough. I want the real thing and I want it all to myself." Millie hops onto the counter and brings me closer to her. She grips my biceps and looks at me pleadingly. "Then take me, baby. Right here. Fuck me in our new kitchen." The brunette begs. I softly snicker. "Not yet." I say before leaving the kitchen and running up the stairs.


After having a nice meal with my friends and family and attending one of Brooklynn's magic shows, Millie and I finally settled down into our new bed, until I rolled over onto her and hovered over her. She giggled and separated her legs from under the covers to wrap them around me. "I'm so ready, you have no idea." I tell her. The younger lady giggled before reaching between our bodies to massage my hard on over my pajama pants. "Oh I can feel that you're ready." I bite my lip as she lifts her nightgown just above her navel and takes her panties off quickly. "Should we use protection?" I had asked.

The brunette smiled and shook her head. "If you don't want to, you don't have to." I nodded before sitting up to take off my pants and my boxer briefs. Millie grabbed my hard member and kissed the tip before engulfing the whole thing in her mouth. I gasped a bit at the sensation and threaded my fingers through her hair. My breath became uneven the faster she went and she even grabbed my danglers. I was having the time of my life until she stopped to sit up and smile up at me. She lifts her gown above her head to toss it on the floor along with her bra. I unbutton my night shirt and threw it somewhere before planting myself between her legs.

"Are you sure you want this? Don't you want your first time to be with someone who isn't a porn star?" She asked for reassurance. I nodded with so much excitement. I was more than ready. "Millie, I want you. I can't imagine myself with anyone but you. I don't care if you're a porn star or even a serial killer, I want you to take my virginity." I stated as I brush some of her hair behind her ear. She smiles so wide before I lean down and plant my lips on her soft ones. We lazily make out for a moment as I put myself inside of her. It was so warm and wet and tight, I could barely even get half of my rod in there. We stopped kissing and I look at Millie to make sure I was doing everything right. I must have because she looked at me in pure joy as I continue to fuck her.


Heyyyyyyy, I hate writing smut from a guys pov because I have no idea what that feels like but I do my best. Sorry for not updating last week I did have half of this chapter written and then I got distracted and this and that excuses but I updated today. I really didn't think I would update today, I've been having some problems at home. I'm not gonna go too into detail and i don't want anyone to pity me, I'm just letting you all know that there's a lot going on in my personal life and it's keeping me from being on my phone and writing as much as I do.🍒

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