Chapter 4

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The jets wheels slide down. The jet lands a little bumpy but lands safely. The two walk out and where met with two Syria soldiers. "Your rooms are only down the road" said a soldier. "Good that flight was tiring" said chase. Luna looks around and sees a-lot of debris and fire. "What happened here" asked Luna. "Chaos, destruction, and war" said the soldier. "The vultures tried to take this land but we where able to stop them, for a short period of time" said another soldier. The four walk into the hotel and see refugees sitting and resting. "This is your room" said one of the soldiers. Chase and Luna walk in and lay on the floor. The two soldiers close the door and walk away. "Damn these vultures mean business" said chase. "Yeah we must stop them before they hurt anymore people" said Luna. Chase gets up and puts his lab top on the desk and contacts his wife. "Hey how is Syria" asked his wife. "Not good, too much chaos" said chase. "You better be home soon" said the wife as she laughs. Chase laughs also. "Don't worry I will be" said chase. "I love you" said his wife. "Love you too" said chase as he hung up. "You and your wife are a cute couple" said Luna. "Thanks" said chase smiling. Suddenly an explosion went off outside. "What the heck was that" asked chase. "I don't know, let's investigate" said Luna as she runs out the room.

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