My girlfriends sister

Start from the beginning

Mama C:"well first you are wrong for what you said and you need to apologise, second you said that you asked her out and you now go out so try and do something for her and buy her something to show her you support her through this and even if she doesn't want you try and go to see faith in hospital, see what's up, third you need to be more sensitive, I know you usually don't give a fuck but now you need to start giving a fuck, don't lose her nika she's nothing but good for you, yes she's been distant but it's for a reason and you have to find that reason or you're gonna lose her, maybe her daughter being in hospital isn't the only thing that she's going through, and you said that, that boy tried to you know maybe he did do something to her before y'all got there and she just never said anything, you will never know with her if you never ask"

N:"but I did ask and she said nothing happened"

Mama C:"and you think she would've told you? She didn't even tell you what happened to her daughter, I don't think she would tell you what someone has done to her. Look she's hurting her daughter's in hospital, her parents are always working, her girlfriend doesn't care and she just had to fight a bitch who was probably talking shit, I mean you don't even know why she fought that girl, do you?"

N:"no" I answered lowly

Mama C:"exactly, she's an amazing girl nika and I'm proud of you for making her yours but you gotta pay more attention to the signs that are right in front of you. When I met her and I looked into her eyes I saw the hurt and the pain in them and that was before this all happened, I saw how excited her kids were to see a movie for the first time and how excited they were to see a lot of food on their plates, you told me how excited they were to be in a car for the first time, our lifestyle was new to them so don't you think there might be something else going on in her life? Nicki you need to start paying more attention at things like this otherwise it's gonna come back on you when you least expect it"

My mom got up and left my room closing the door behind her, leaving me their to take in and think about what she said.

I got up and got changed then grabbed my bag and got in my car and decided to head over to the hospital to see faith and to see if I can sort things out with bey.

On the way there I stopped off at the shop and bought some flowers for Faith, I wanted to get her some chocolate but then I remembered she has allergies.

I walked in the hospital and went up to the receptionist.


R:"hi, who are you here to see?"


R:"last name"

N:"umm I don't know it"

R:"ok that's fine, do you remember when she came in"

N:"I think a week ago"

R:"um ok"

She typed up something on her computer then looked up at me with a sympathetic smile.

R:"what is your relation to her?"


R:"ok, she's in room 444, have a good day"

N:"thank you, you too"

I walked to the elevator and got the lift to floor 4 and walked to faith's room.

I knocked on the door before I entered it. Bey came and opened the door.

B:"yes" she said with no emotion

N:"umm I came to see faith and to see if we could talk"

B:"I'm busy"

You left me when I needed you mostWhere stories live. Discover now