My girlfriends sister

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Nicki's p.o.v
Nicki's house
The next day

At the moment I am so confused, bey has been very distant since faith got put in hospital. She talks to Rihanna sometimes and Ashley but she barely talks to me. I'm so confused on what I've done. Maybe it's her disorders or I did something but it's like she hates me. Maybe I asked her out too fast.

Blue and solo also hate me, I thought we really clicked but I guess not.

Bey doesn't even sit with us anymore, she sits with kids in faith's year, I think they're faith's friends and she leaves school with them sometimes as well.

Rihanna and Ashley are more chill about it and think that bey's just going through somethings but that shouldn't be an excuse, I'm going through stuff too. Like last week my cousin Red who's like a brother to me was tryna shoot one of his enemies in a drive by shooting but ended up shooting some little kid instead and now he feels so bad and has locked himself in his room and won't come out. Like I know your sibling or child being in hospital is worse than that but still I'm not pushing away my friends.

But anyways right now, I'm just chilling in my room and rih should be here soon.

Few minutes later

Rihanna finally arrived and now me and her are just chilling in my room.

N:"so rob, what do u think is really wrong with bey?"

R:"to be honest I really don't know but cut her some slack her daughter's in hospital"

N:"she's not even her real daughter though"

R:"Nicki! What is wrong with you nowadays? What has bey done to you? All she's done is push you away a bit and you're not the only person she's been distant to but no one else is complaining"

I was about to reply but shut up and really thought about Rihanna's words.

R:"I remember faith told me that bey has been through a lot, she said they all had but bey's been through more. I know she's your girl but what if she isn't ready for all that, you can't blame her for being distant, she's probably going through something on top of her daughter being in hospital and we don't know, she's so quiet and never tells us anything so who knows what she's going through"

N:"that's true and what do you mean she's been through a lot?"

R:"I don't know, Faith didn't tell me what she's been through and I wasn't gonna push her to"

N:"so, I've been through a lot to, like my "brother" Red is locked in his room and and won't come out because he accidentally shot someone and now he isn't talking to anyone"

R:"AND HER BLOOD SISTER WHO IS LIKE A DAUGHTER TO HER IS LAYING IN A HOSPITAL BED PROBABLY FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE AND YOU WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE HER GIRLFRIEND ARE SITTING HERE WORRYING ABOUT YOUR DAMN SELF!! It's his fault he shouldn't have decided to have a drive by shooting in a public place. I'm going home, hit me up when you have found your common sense, I've got my own shit to worry about"

Rihanna got up and walked out slamming the door behind her.

My mom came into my room to see what was going on.

Mama C:"I heard shouting, what happened?"

N:"nothing" I turned over on my bed facing the other way

Mama C:"come nika, tell me" My mom walked over and sat on the edge of my bed and I turned around and faced her.

I sat up and explained everything that happened from me asking bey out, to lyndell touching bey, to faith being in hospital, to bey fighting, and to Rihanna storming out.

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