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It was almost midnight and the city of Seoul was as busy as the day. Cars moving freely across the roads flashing lights, giving it an acentric feel. A slow rustle of wind brushes past the trees near by and a bush of dandelions, carrying the seed with it as it flies across the city towards the moon, slowly across the buildings. As it passes one of the buildings a pair of feet is seen dangling from its roof and as the clouds slowly move away from the moon, illuminating the city and the face of a girl sitting on the edge of the roof as the winds softly brush her hair towards her face and away as if warding off prying eyes on the beautiful yet innocent face with big bright eyes and soft pink lips. The girl is staring straight ahead into the city and it's still bustling life, as if enticed. Her bright brown eyes looking at everything and nothing at the same time as a soft smile dances across her lips. Her ears twitch hearing something that is carried along with the air, her eyes searching across the city when it focuses on its desired location. Curiosity brimming in her eyes and smile taking a turn to mischief the girl stands up, her feet on the tip of the edge as another burst of wind rustles her white dress and golden brown hair as the girl spreads her hand as if about to embrace the very essence of air as her right leg moves forward hovering over nothing but air before she let's herself drop as she jumps off the roof.........

...........As the calm air passes through the city, you could hear the sound of water gushing across the shore. The Han River seemed calm but it's bridge a different case altogether. There were people gathered around one side of it looking at the two figures who were standing on top of its railing, causing chaos among the bystanders as they stand confused between shock and the urge to save. The cries of friends and strangers is carried by the wind begging the two to get down from the railing. Sudden movement on the rail causes the two to fall, one towards the platform and the other over the bridge, down towards the river.

"Jungkook!!!" The cry rings out the loudest in the bridge as the people stand shocked as the person falls over the bridge. As the figure falls time seemed to be moving slowly as the moon sheds a bright light as do the moving vehicles traveling the bridge, illuminating the figure of a male in his twenties with raven hair and muscular body. His arms raised in the air as his body falls, as if asking for help, eyes unfocused but focused at the same time as memories flash across his brown eyes, before closing as if accepting his fate. A glint on his hand shows the watch that seemed to tick anticlockwise moving the rift of time backwards.........

****12 hours back****

Big Hit Entertainment was busy as always, it's practice rooms echoing with sounds of grunts and huffs as artists and trainees both practice their choreography with unbelievable energy and sync. While focusing on the outside mainly the backdoor of the building two mini vans were waiting with open door as 7 figures get inside, 4 in one and 3 in another. As the cars move forward towards the front of the building you could see few fans of the artists in the building waiting patiently to get a peek of their favorite artists. Unbeknown to them the two cars held the celebrities that they were eagerly waiting for, BTS. The first car held the leader, the oldest and the youngest members of the group along with their manager and the other held the 95 liners and two of the rap line members. The car moving towards one of the TV stations for the artists recording for their comeback.

Jeon Jungkook, the youngest member of the group couldn't bother himself with the small chat between his two hyungs and the manager so instead he plugs in his earphones playing one of his play lists. As the sounds of soft beats fills his ears his eyes find the view outside, unable to see the worried eyes of his hyungs and the manager focus on him before resuming their small chat. Jungkook now lost inside the soft beats and voices his eyes unable to focus clearly on the view outside seem to finally get a focus as the car comes to a stop at a red light, as his eyes scan across the numerous people walking on the sidewalk. A small chime draws his attention towards one particular figure walking on the sidewalk amidst the huge crowd, draped in white her slender figure seemed to exhibit a grace that seemed inhuman. Her brown gold hair swayed along with the air. But what seemed to have caught the youngest's attention was her slender legs that were barefoot.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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