Chapter Twenty-Five

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I held my hand out to Abby. She took it without a moment of hesitation. "Do not ask me how I know this but the fire will continue burning until the circle is completed. A new leader for the circle of night has to be chosen right now."

Abby tightened her grip on my hand. "She is correct." Troy asserted. "When a circle is opened by death it must be closed again by life. You are a wise child." He remarked.

"I want it to be you and me." Abby looked up into my eyes. "My father would have wanted it you and me." She swore. I did not have the heart to tell it could not be me and her.

Bailey did it for me. "In order to lead the circle of night. You have to be a vampire either born or bitten. I am sorry Abby but you're an Enchantress so you belong to another circle." She looked racked with remorse.

"The pretty lady is right." Troy said. "I also believe by code only a blood descendant can appoint the new leaders." He looked over at Foster. "I believe that would be you kid."

Foster stepped forward. "Can I voluntarily take second?"

"I cannot see why it wouldn't work." Troy shrugged.

Foster looked over at me. "Okay. I will do this only if Brady will take the lead. I will be his second." This is not a role I want but if it lets Henry rest in peace I will do it for him."

I will do it for Abby. She needs to see her parents at peace not burning like kindling. Flames swelled and danced over Natalia. I glanced around the room to find others were staring at the dancing flames with the same concern.

It would not be long before the entire room burns. "Okay. I will take lead of the circle for Henry and Natalia." I agreed.

Foster turned to Troy. "Okay. What do we need to do?"

"Say your full name, your connection to the circle, and declare your intended position. If the circle accepts your bid it will close with you both as the new leaders." Troy wished us luck and fell back in line with the others.

Foster faced the flames. "I am Foster Lee Bach. I am the son of Natalia Roswell." He broke off as the flames danced inches from the ceiling. Something is not right. I studied the movement of the flames. What am I not seeing?

I closed my eyes and pulled up memories from my early days on the ranch. I focused on the first few weeks of training when they taught us histories of the circles.

Foster began again. "I am Foster Lee Bach. I am the son of Natalia Roswell." The flames shot higher than before. They swelled and danced above our heads. The tips of the blue-orange flames licked the ceiling but did not ignite.

I glanced at the floor. The fire seemed to be gliding over the boards not burning them. Henry had fireproofed the room. Katherine would have been disappointed. Katherine? I looked at the rising flames again. Could there be a connection? I flipped through different memories like one would flip through the pages of a phone book. I was looking for something particular.

The memory popped into view. I saw fallen leaves on the forest floor. I saw Katherine and lake Liberty in the background. I heard her voice.

She was ridiculing the circles for their practices. "They don't even die is a respectable manner. They burn for days while a new leader is being sought. When the new leader is chosen they explodes. Can you imagine? They look like giant fireballs."

Adrenalin rushed through my veins as I survey the room. There were two exits the door and the windows on the other end of the room. One maybe two people would make it out the door if they were lucky. The rest of us would burn.

The Roswell Coven: Circle of Terra Where stories live. Discover now