Chapter Eleven.

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Violet stood over me grinning from ear to ear. I shield my eyes from the sun. How long have I been out here? I stole a peek at my watch. Can it really be eleven O'clock in the morning? Did I sleep out here all night? My memory was a blank.

Why is Violet smiling at me like a crazy person? I pulled myself up to a sitting position and ran my hands over my face. I looked up to find her still smiling at me.

"Can I help you?" I mumbled.

She nodded. "Do you have any plans for today?"

"I should probably find an actual bedroom." I answered. The smile evaporated from her lips. "Why did you have something in mind Violet?" I asked.

Her eyes danced. "Yes. I have something for us to do."

"What may that be?" I feared the answer as she is way to excited for this to be a good thing for me. I learned the hard way her idea of fun and mine are worlds apart from each other.

Violet seized a hold of my wrist and hauled me out of the chair in one fluid motion. I barely had a foot on the ground before she started pulling me down over the hill.

Foster stuck his head out the door. "Where are you going?"

"Into town. Be back later." Violet called over her shoulder. What are we going into town for? Natalia said the house is fully stocked and I know that includes a healthy supply of blood.

We were halfway down the mountain before she let me in on her secret plan. She took it upon herself to decide it was time to fill in my sparse wardrobe. "Are you ready Mr. Brady to shred your credit card?" She laughed.

The peace I felt last night dissipated. I can be cleansed and purified but I will never be Mr. Brady again. Even an angel cannot erase the mark left behind by my own actions.

"Violet." I said with confidence. "I am going to hate this."

She giggled. "Absolutely. Every last second of it."

"I thought so." I sighed.

One thing I can credit Violet for is knowing how to shop in a hurry. She had me in four different stores in less than an hour. The amount of bags from each one is appalling.

How can any one person have a need for so much stuff? When I told her my bag would not hold a third of what has been purchased so far she responded by buying me a new luggage set.

I did manage to barter my way into stopping by a craft store so I could stock up on some materials. The price was my agreement into allow her to shop in a couple of those fashion boutiques.

We were finishing up when I looked up from a table of insanely expensive watches to see a familiar smiling face approaching next to a hostile one. Abby waved excitedly while Chloe glared.

"Hey Brady." She smiled.

I smiled back. "Hello, Abby."

"You remember Chloe." She pointed to her friend.

How could I forget? The girl wants to actually kill me.

I forced my lips to hold my smile. "Hi Chloe."

She glared back. "Brady."

Abby sighed. "What happened to you at the rally? I looked for you after I finished cheering so we could grab some of that epic cotton candy but apparently you had left?"

I had a pretty solid idea on who told her I left. The same overgrown meat-head who told me to stay away from her. He really needs to be taught a lesson in civility.

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