'Hey, I want you to promise me something.' I thought as I took a series of lefts and rights running between civilians as some tried to stop me.

'If anything happens to me escape, go to any hero and tell them about me and that I've been caught and they just find me.'

'B-but I d-don't want t-to to leave you.' She replied almost bursting into tears.

'Eri please, promise me you will. It's gonna be hard but it'll be worth it in the end. Okay?'

'O-okay y/n, I promise.'

'Thank you baby girl. Now please keep quiet I need to concentrate on getting us to somewhere we can rest peacefully.'

I was about to push myself in the air until the damn shock collar shocked me.

I screamed and tried to rip off the collar as I fell to my knees. This was the 16th time they set it off and the excruciating pain was absolutely the worst.

Suddenly I was pulled by the hair and collar and I met with my worst nightmare. The people who tortured me for over 10 years. I started to beg them not to hurt me or Eri until one of them tied a rope on top of my collar, the damn rope was hella long and they began dragging me back.

I thrashed and screamed trying to do anything to get out of their hold. Then I heard someone shout.


'The heroes! They're finally here!' I started smiling starting to have some hope of freedom.

Then my captors turned around and started walking towards the direction of them. Dragging me behind all of them. They started yelling at the villains to let go of me and they did as the heroes asked but in a painful way.

The guy holding the rope tied to my neck had super strength. So he whipped me into the air slammed me down. I couldn't do anything since the shock collar was on and it was blocking my concentration.

I screamed from the impact and earlier while I was in the middle of the air I untied the bag so my sister wouldn't get hit towards the ground.

Aizawa's p o.v

I was standing behind some of the others and I noticed them whip the girl in a 180 motion into the air and straight to the ground, before she hit the ground she screamed Eri out loud. We all were shocked when the girl came in contact with the ground. We all covered ourselves from the debris spreading from impact. After all the dirt and debris left we saw a hand weakly sticking up from the crater and I looked up. There was the same black bag that she was carrying.

Then the black bag started moving slowly towards our direction and was placed a couple of feet in front of All Might.

I was about to go up the bag when I then heard the girl screaming not to open the bag. Out of nowhere, she came flying towards us, with a giant wall behind her. I was about to attack her when she landed next to the bag until everything went to fast for me to comprehend.

Your p.o.v

I quietly groaned from the pain on my back. The damn impact with me and the ground caused a huge crater. Soon as the debris went away I slowly moved the bag with some wind pushing at it. I moved Eri towards the heroes as she started crying and asking me in a panicked voice what I was doing.

'Baby girl, don't worry. I'm just moving you towards the heroes so don't worry I'll be right there with you in a couple of minutes. Okay?'

Eri continued to silently cry and honestly, I felt really bad for her. She was so young she didn't need to go through this.

I continued talking to her and she relaxed when she was still able to hear my voice. I told her I had to go, yelled towards the heroes not to open the bag. My attention was now focused on my own escape.

I knew my captors were distracted. So I quickly get on my knees facing their direction, lifted my hands, and quickly slammed my fists to the ground. A gigantic wall made of rocks pushed in-between me and the villains.

I quickly ripped the rope and shock collar off of my neck and launched myself in the air with a giant rock pushing off the ground. I landed in front of them. I quickly made a rock box around all of us and pushed us underground, making sure there were holes in it so we can still breathe.

I almost fell but caught myself on the wall panting like crazy. My blood started to seep out of my cuts as I lost focus to keep them inside of me. I started to talk out loud trying to get a brief explanation of what's happening.

"P-please help me. I'm trying to escape those people, they've tortured me for years and now we finally escaped."

A tall man with flames all over his upper body came in front of me and asked in an intimidating voice asked.

"How do we know you're telling the truth!? And there's another one of you??"

"Seriously, are you *Cough, Cough* t-that blind. Can you not see the blood from my cuts and all sorts of buries covering me?" I sighed and sat down, facing their direction.

He flinched at my response, he and the other heroes eyes went wide. Their eyes went from the marks on my face to my neck, onto my arms, and then legs. Not forgetting to notice the blood dripping from them with bruises surrounding almost every cut.

Some gasped out loud when others were silent when they realized I was right.

After I caught my breath, I carefully untied the bag with Eri in it and settled the bag on the ground, then turned around on to my knees.

"Hey baby girl I'm gonna open the bag and I'm gonna need you to come out. The heroes want to see you if you're alright. Okay?"

They started at my back with confusion wondering who I was talking to.

She then replied with a shaky telepathic okay. I open the bag and Eri immediately grabbed on to me. Violently shaking and crying in fear of the unknown.

I hugged her back and patted her head in an effort to calm her down. I then stood up, picking her up in the process, and turned around facing the heroes. All of their faces morphed into shock that I was carrying a girl in the bag.

Another hero snapped at me to give them Eri, thinking that I was tricking then. I was furious I was about to drown them with water until a man wearing all black with messy hair and a scarf came up.

I turned Eri away from him, thinking he was going to take her away from me when he started something.

"Relax I'm not going to separate you two, but I'd like to ask some questions."

"I'd have no problem with that, but I do apologize. That's gonna have to wait. You all have forgotten about my captors up above us. I'll explain everything to you when we're in a safer place. But for now, I need to fight them."

The same guy with fire all over him said, "Absolutely not, we heroes do these works, not some random children." He spat out with a disgusting tone.

I got pissed and popped joints all over my body. Starting with my neck, arms, fingers, back, legs, and ending it to my toes. Then looked at him dead in the eye with an intense glare and said.

"You have no clue with what you're facing, I know how powerful they all are and I should be able to take them all head-on. Now enough talking I'm gonna send us up so be prepared to attack at any moment." I spat back at him,  giving off a murderous glare.


Stay tuned to see if (y/n) will escape with Eri or be brought back to square 1 with the villains.

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