Campus Chaos

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(Name) was in the office, the bell for the first available class ringing. He was in an office chair, tapping a pen to a song he had stuck in his head while he listened to the rambling of a story the secretary was telling him with disinterest. He nodded and made sounds of agreement and an occasional comment, though he couldn't be bothered with anything she was saying. He grabbed the matte-finished, seafoam green Yeti tumbler he had in front of him, taking a drink from the tea inside of it. Swiping his cell from beside the tumbler, he frowned at the lack of response from Genji. In a small fit of depression, (Name) accidentally launched the pen he was playing with across the room, him shrugging at it and playing a game on his phone. He looked up when Jack walked into the room, putting his elbow on his son's head as he took a drink from his large thermos as Gabriel stumbled out of his office to give his husband a kiss on the the lips with an obnoxious and intended smack, (Name) cringing.

"Ew." (Name) took another drink of his tea, setting it down on the desk. He wheeled over to the intercom where morning announcements are made, cradling his injured arm to his side. He was handed a list of what to read off for the school from the secretary, skimming over them quickly.

"Oh shut the fuck up." The two said in unison, (Name) immediately making a cross out of his fingers.

"Begone, thots." (Name) said, a serious expression crossing his face.

"If anyone's a thot, it's you." Gabe said.

"Do you even know what a thot is?"

"It's a whore, so you." Gabe sipped some coffee as (Name) coughed, the male laughing cynically as Jack smacked the two quiet while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

The two army vets and (Name) stood and looked at the flag, though didn't put their hands on their hearts. The three thought of the fallen soldiers, and the ones currently serving, sitting down when Jack finished reciting the pledge. (Name) wheeled closer to the intercom, getting his list ready as he cleared his throat.

"Good morning, Overwatch University. Today's date is September 15th, I have a long list of shit to read off to nyall, so shut up so others can hear. Club signups are approaching-- they start this Wednesday at whatever club you're wanting to join. If you need the locations for where they meet, they're on the school website." (Name) paused for a second, "the second round of football tryouts for both the male and female teams are this weekend, out on the field with Coach Rutledge. On both days of the weekend, starting at four, will be the tryouts. Saturday for the males, and Sunday for the females, so please come out and make your mark." (Name) rubbed his eyebrow, "and lastly, for all the females out there who have crushes on my fathers and write stories of them fucking-- Gabriel's dick length, in inches, is approximately--" He was cut off by a hand over his mouth.

"Oww, he fucking bit me!" You could hear ring out of the speakers of the school from Gabe.

"That is all." (Name) said, everyone able to hear the devious smirk in his voice.

"I hate you." Gabe said as (Name) shrugged, sitting at the small desk besides the intercom, his bag on a hook attached to the desk.

"Totally. That's why I'm here with office duty." He rolled his eyes.

Gabe only walked back to his office at the sound of his landline ringing. He pointed two fingers at his eyes, pointing them at (Name) mouthing an 'I'm watching you', before turning on his heel. Once he was for sure away from earshot, both Jack and (Name) started to laugh, the secretary holding in a laugh behind her hand. Jack ruffled his son's head affectionately before disappearing into his own office, (Name) standing up to stand at the counter the office had and organized some papers they had there. Setting out some binders with papers in them, he watched as someone entered the office holding a wad of paper.

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