Quick Bit Of Background

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The Guardian
The Guardian is a time lord/lady from the planet gallefrey.
Born with special abilities and an unusual natural instinct to protect anyone they are close to, the High Council recognises these traits and forced her parents to keep their distance and show no interest in their only child. The Council also restricted the young Time Tot from any interaction with anyone else , having only the blocked telepathic parental bond constantly with them.

At the age of 8, after being forced to look into the time vortex itself something rare happened. The time tot did not go mad, get inspired or even run away. No.. they were surrounded by a gold light and the words The Guardian and A Protector were marked on the right side of their temple to the jaw. This sealed the Guardian's fate. Forced into training, and they eventually became one of the best leaders in the Gallifreyan army, whilst still technically a time tot.
This young child was turned into a weapon and fought in the time war and was there when Arcadia fell, before somehow falling through the time vortex, surviving, crashing to earth and being kept in a cell and tortured before, after 15 years, being sold off to Henry Van Statten and being let in his museum.
Eyes: left eye is (E/C) and the right eye is (E/C) with a mixture of a deep red.(caused by the many experiments that happened after crashing to earth and being tortured by him)
Face: you choose. You can make it up or imagine your self, but there is a single long jagged scar from the top of the eyebrow to the middle of the cheek in line with the nose on the right side of the face
Hair: (H/C) and (H/L)
Has scars covering all of their body but is kept hidden well with baggy clothing
Names: The Guardian and can also go by the human name (Y/N). ( they have always been fascinated by humans)
Age: 89 years old and till counts as a Time Tot and looks small for their age due to malnutrition and affects of previous experiments performed when they first arrived on earth.

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