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For once I felt like I belonged-
Like life may be worth something
And that hardship may come to an end.
What a naïve outlook on life -
Some meaningless moment of bliss turned into an unattainable dream.

For once I felt like I could let someone in -
Let them into my mind,
A world even I fear venturing into.
Words cannot describe my inexcusable ignorance,
Something that is now a distant memory.

Fear may be the death of me,
Like my mind was the death of my emotions.
Apathy has become the only thing I feel
Willingly yet also reluctantly but
Sometimes I just wish to feel alive -

For everytime I open my eyes,
Life is granting a person's wish.
As if to mock me,
Watching me silently,
Slowly pushing me closer to the edge.

Flaws make up a person
Like broken promises make up a figurine.
As these flaws turn from perceptions to embodiments,
We watch as we turn from human beings to human doings -
Slowly doing everything we can to be who we can't.


Seeking Refuge From RealityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz