Chapter 4

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Gabriel wasn't paying attention when Cas woke up. He held his head, not sure what was happening to him. Names and faces, they were disappearing. He was forgetting people. Important people, he could tell. The tv static turned on, so did the radio. The lights flickered and Gabriel just rolled his eyes,

"On or off Cas. Quit flicking them, you'll wake Bobby and he gets real grumpy at night." Cas was still holding his head and rolled off the couch and onto the floor, "Cas?" Gabriel just about saw him fall from the kitchen and headed in. The kid finally saw him and pulled himself away with his arms, backing into a corner and pulling out his knife,

"Where am I? Who are you?"

"Well. That was quick. I thought it would just gradually make you forget." Cas didn't respond to that and stared up at him with a fearful gaze. Gabriel got down on the floor a little while away from him, "Cassie? You recognise me?" Cas furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head as he stared at Gabriel,

"Should I?" He asked. Gabriel shook his head,

"Not in this form at least," he said. They both heard footsteps as Bobby entered the room,

"Who the hell is playing that damn radio at three in the morning?" He seemed irritated and looked accusingly at Gabriel as he turned it off, "Gabriel?" Cas stood up, backing further in the corner, holding his knife in front of him,

"Hey Cas, you're ok," Gabriel assured him,

"Who are you?" He asked,

"He lost his memories now?" Bobby asked, the irritation leaving him and his voice took on a less rough tone. Gabriel nodded, "I thought you said he'd still know you." Gabriel gave a sigh,

"Well if I was given the chance to introduce myself," Gabriel was starting to get a little frustrated and now Dean walks into the room and flicked the switch on, again making Cas get more defensive and squint as the light was turned on,

"Cas? You ok?" He asked on seeing him,

"Give them a moment," Bobby said, leading Dean out,

"And make sure to keep Sasquatch out too," Gabriel called after them. He took a breath, sitting on the couch and looking back at his brother. "It's fine, you can come out now," Cas realised his wings were out the whole time,

"What?" He then tilted his head at Gabriel, "you know already?"

"About you being an angel? Yeah, sure I'm one too," he then realised for the first time how natural Cas was with the knife in his hand. He was poised to use it. He shouldn't remember how to use one. "What are you doing with a knife at your age?" He asked, plucking it from Castiel's grasp,

"Michael gave me it,"

"Well Michael starts too early, what is he thinking giving you a weapon so young?" Cas still looked confused,

"Who are you? What's happened to me? What were you saying I've lost my memories?" Gabriel pat the couch next to him and Cas finally left the corner and sat down on the edge of the couch,

"You've fallen victim to a very powerful spell," he said,

"A spell?" Gabriel nodded, "what type of spell?"

"A deaging spell. There is no counter but it should wear off within the week."

"So where am I? How much have I lost?"

"Well that depends on the last thing you remember. Have you moved out of the nursery yet?" Cas shook his head, "so you haven't started training." Cas shook his head again,

"I'll be leaving soon," he said, "or I would be leaving soon," Gabriel nodded, "how much am I missing?"

"Too much to describe really. We're long passed the apocalypse Cas."

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