Raf finally turned his screen towards me, and my jaw dropped when I saw what was on it. "Is that..."

   "Taken today," Raf grinned. "My house has officially been the first one to be fully rebuilt in Jasper."

   To say I was shocked would be an understatement. To say I was happy would be an even bigger understatement. It was one of the rare occasions where I was at a total loss for words.

   "We broke her!" Miko laughed, throwing her arms around me.

   "You did it, A," Finn said. "You're rebuilding Jasper."

   "I can't believe this!" I let out a laugh. "Already?"

   Raf nodded. "Mine was one of the first to get started on, since I've got one of the bigger families and all. The team you assigned for us was the best, and they did everything my parents wanted. Everyone's really happy right now, A, and once the power grid is back up tomorrow, we can move back in."

   "Holy scrap," I still couldn't grasp it. "I didn't think anything would actually get this far- I thought-"

   "Wait we're not done yet!" Jack added, nudging Raf, who turned his laptop screen away to start looking for something else. "We've got something else to show you."

   I shook my head, smiling. "You guys spend one day in the town, and have all this news to tell me?"

   "Trust me," Finn gave me a knowing look. "You're going to like this one just as much."

   Raf turned his screen back, and I had to cover my mouth to stop my jaw from dropping again. "No way!"

   Miko nodded. "Yes way, girl! We talked to the crew this morning. The Beckett Estate is currently being rebuilt as we speak."

   "Well," Finn checked his watch. "They'll have gone home by now. But they've already gotten started, and according to the plans that we looked over, everything is exactly the same way as your mom built it."

   Again, I was speechless. Everything was finally coming together.

   I hope you're proud, Mom. Jasper is officially recovering. Our house is recovering.

   "You guys," I said. "Are the absolute greatest. I honestly could have never asked for better friends."

   "I think we need to let A sit down," Raf grinned. "She looks way too happy."

   I made a face at him, causing the whole group to laugh. "But really guys, thanks. This is exactly what I needed."

   "Ratchet," Optimus' voice came over the comms. Damn, I had totally forgotten the team was out on a mission. "Reopen the ground bridge, but ensure that our human allies are kept at a safe distance, for we will be returning with a Decepticon prisoner."

   Those words alone shook everyone to their core, myself included.


   Finn issued a code green at the military base, which basically had the army personnel evacuate to the bunkers farthest away from the base, which was simple enough. Guards were increased at the Jasper camp, just in case, and everyone was on high alert. Jack, Miko, and Raf were going to be escorted back to the Jasper camp, with Finn and I staying behind, since I insisted that my powers could be of service (which was a long, hard argument with Optimus that I eventually won) and Finn was pulling his rank, insisting that it was his job to oversee what was happening. But, the three argued so much that Agent Fowler, who had finally gotten back to the base, gave up on trying to reason with them. We all ended up compromising on us staying on the platform the whole time.

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