1.2 New beginnings, check!

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An early morning fog starts to rise as Willemena Botez rides out of her drive way. The eerie scene of daybreak that would spook most, didn't faze Willemena in the slightest. Her ability to shrug off what most feared was a treasured trait her friends would often poke fun at.

In her last town, Springdale Heights, her friends were warm. They were home.

The streets were lined with pink trumpet trees and were always busy.

Chaos in comparison to Crimsonton Hollow.

She smiled to herself as she thought about her friends 'back home'.

Her glittery navy Doc Martins gleaming as she peddles swiftly.

In her left hand a tape recorder, she presses record.

"Rise and Shine!" she starts off with a glorious tone.

"Today I am wearing... we have a pair of glittery boots, that gorgeous navy blue pinafore skirt thing going on that hmmmm ooooh, well lets just say the wind is blowing a chilly breeze down in the south this fine morning folks!"she laughs as she tries to adjust her rising skirt.

"Yes, I am starting school today! Excited? Not hardly but "Think big to be big baby!"" she mocks in a terrible New Yorker impersonation.

"Okay so house? Weird... but its big and we're not going to die in it and it doesn't smell weird and im sure you'll be extremely happy to hear that there is no haunted basement folks, so if there is a tornado or an alien invasion, just know... I'm screwed!"

She grins as she turns the corner.

Teenagers flock into the gates and she hears the bell ring.

"Well, school awaits me. Im entering the high school world as a newbie, again, for the eighteenth millionth time. Huff. Stay tuned to hear how the high school hierarchy is still capable of neglecting how much cool cheerleading spirit I really truely posses." she mocks as she re-adjusts her skirt and shakes her bag down her back, sighs and struts towards the school.

✺ ✺ ✺

"To me, philosophy is a further notion on an already set out opinion.." a mop of loose curls bounces along his head as the teacher dramatically uses his hands to express himself. His perfectly pointed nose and big brown eyes capturing Willemena as she glides into her seat; late.

After countless turns through crammed hallways she found the office which directed her back to the other side of school. Luckily, this time accompanied by a map and a clear pathway without gawking judgmental teens who can small newbie blood.

The teacher noticed her through the small window in the door and opened it without question, gestured to a seat in the back corner and continued with his lesson.

Thank the heavenly angels above she thought. Most teachers would've lectured her and maybe if she was ever so unlucky she may have a comedian for a teacher who doesn't know the difference between public ridicule and satire. She felt blessed to have a normal teacher who minds his business and for that she was eternally interested in anything he taught, well at least she tried to look interested.

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The bell rings and the class scatters like a flock of pigeons.

"Hey you there!" Mr loose locks points at her like he's on a family game show while smiling warmly. "Come on down!"

She plays along and strolls down the aisle with a wide smile.

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