▸ Two For Tragedy

430 11 8

A Collaboration between
zaffria and SYNNICALS


I had been hiding the secret for so long now - even her bestfriend for eight years had no idea about it.

Her change in attitude had been apparent too, from being a confident and sociable girl to being someone close-off and shy. No, shy isn't the right word for it - she's scared, scared of uttering words that will ruin someone's life once again.

It's been a year since it happened. Three hundred sixty-five days of being emotionally unstable and trying to hide it behind an indifferent mask.

Every get-together invite from her family, every hang-out offer with friends, every college party request from her blockmates had been turned down. She knew her 'I'm busy'card is now overused to the point that every person around her have noticed her sudden change.

She's just waiting for someone to actually ask her about it. Maybe Chaeyoung or Namjoon, or her mom even - but whoever it is, she's admittedly not ready yet.

Besides, does she have the right to share her pain? She doesn't think so. This was her karma. She deserves to carry this weight until the day she dies.


Even dying became an option to her, it seems blissful - her only escape. But she's afraid of meeting her again. Will they even meet? Oh how could she forget, she's not worthy to meet her again. Once she died, she'll go straight to hell. While her- she's in heaven now, the place where she belongs.

She must be in hell. She's the reason of her death in the first place.

"Everyone's looking for you."

She looked beside her, where the low-baritone voice came from. She was confused at first as her thoughts were all over the place. Until she finally realized that he's really there - sitting beside her.

"I've already texted Seokjin, you can start eating without me," she replied, momentarily glancing at him. She then turned her eyes back to the empty soccer field in front of her, completely ignoring him again.

"What happened?" He silently uttered after a long pause.

"What do you mean?"

She felt his hand holding her shoulder at first, before he softly pushed it making her turn to him. "What happened to you?" He asked, as he looked straight to her eyes.

"Nothing, I'm fine," she even shrugged to prove her nonchalance.

"You've changed."

His words made her stiffen on her seat. Of all the people she expected to confront her, he is the last one on her list - she doubts he's even on the list.

They were never that close. Beside greeting each other from time to time, they never bonded like how friends usually do. They're just in the same circle of friends and that's it.

Now that she thinks of it, this is the first time they actually had a one-on-one conversation like this. And they've been in one group for almost three years now.. ah she knew why;

He was her crush.

Oh, how she used to talk about him all the time, sent her texts about him, even write his name on her random doodles.

BTWRITES: RUBYWhere stories live. Discover now