▸ Not A Wasted Chance

Start from the beginning

He just stared at me, taken aback because of my sudden reaction. I looked away, and my thoughts brought me back to that night.

It's definitely my fault.

One year ago;

I was invited to a house party of one of our blockmates and there were really a lot of people in there.

"Jennie!" Someone called out my name and I saw my friends, Jisoo and Rose.

I smiled and waved at them. "Heyyah!"

They walked towards me and we did a group hug. Actually, they are my best friends. I've been friends with Jisoo and Rose for seven years now. I really love them both so much.

"Hey! Nice to see some pretty ladies here!" We all turned around and saw the seven hottest guys in our university.

Hoseok approached us and the others followed him. I glanced over the guy I have been liking for almost two years now, Kim Taehyung.

He glanced back at me and that made me looked away. I turned my attention to my friends who are already swooned by their boyfriends. Yes, two of his friends are in a relationship with my friends and that made our groups closer to each other. But I'm particularly close to Yoongi and Jungkook even before.

"Gosh! Get a room already!" I playfully rolled my eyes and they just all laughed. I'm fine just seeing my friends happy with their relationships.

Rose got dragged out by his boyfriend, Jimin. And I don't know where the hell they went.

Jisoo was with Jin and they were sitting on the couch, getting all lovey dovey.

"Aren't you jealous?" I jumped out of surprise because of that sudden voice.

It was Namjoon, the guy who had been trying to catch my attention but just couldn't because someone has it already.

"Nah. I'm fine. I'm happy if they're happy." I tried to smile at him. "I'll just hang around." Then I left him there. I know it's rude but I really don't know how to deal with him.

I went to socialize with the people I know, greeting them all.

"Lisa! Omg, you came!"

I was talking to a friend when I heard someone call her name.

There she was, the girl everyone admires, Lisa. She's smiling and the people around her can't stop looking at her.

I formed my lips into a grim line. I never really liked her.

Maybe because she's too good compared to me. Yes, I may be popular but I'm nothing compared to her. She's everyone's ideal type, beautiful and smart. You can also add her amazing body. In short, she's perfect in everyone's eyes.

I don't know if it's envy that's kicking me off, but I'm really not happy to see her here.

The spotlight that was once mine had been taken by her.

The person I am talking to had also joined her crowd. I looked away and was about to leave when someone called me.


Even her sweet voice is too much to handle.

I turned to her and gave her my plastic smile. "Oh, Lisa. I didn't see you there." Ignoring the people around us and hoping she would get my sarcasm.

She gave me a small smile. "I'm happy to see you."

I really wanted to roll my eyes at her. She's always like this, trying to get close to me when I honestly don't like her. She'll constantly tries to talk to me and I always pushes her away.

BTWRITES: RUBYWhere stories live. Discover now