"Well-" Namjoon started as happy as ever but Yoongi snatched the word. -"We would have arrived two hours ago if someone had not decided that he had to take pictures of the Landscape as well. Now it seems that we arrived just at dinner time."

This was true. It was getting dark. "-I want to put together a complete album for L-"Namjoon  defended himself -"By the way you know who is as great as if he had done it himself, one who portrays the whole process before stepping on the altar, so that in many years, when he has his grandchildren, they can flip through it and remember this day."

 -"That phrase sounds more like me than you." I scoffed, and we all burst into laughter. I loved that they are here now. Outside of Yoonji I did not have anyone else to talk to here, I thought I could get along with Jungkook, but it was clear that I was not, and Taehyung still did not give signs of life.

" - Where is the new bride? You said she is actually real." Namjoon pointed boldly, looking in all directions.

" -You will meet her soon."

"Eh, but where is she? "

"Inside, retouching a little." I said and Namjoon smirked."-Don't tell me she is ugly."

 I pursed my lips at those words. He would swallow his every word when he would meet her. Then I saw Jungkook coming down the entrance stairs, with a very serious expression on his face. He came up to us." -My father says that your friends can go upstairs. Your rooms are ready."

And his tone was really unfriendly, he almost seemed to have to spit out the word "friends". 

"Sure, thanks." I turned to my friends. "He is Jungkook, Yoonji's older brother."

" Hello. Nice to meet you." My friends said politely, apparently surprised by the face of a few friends that the small-eyed boy had. That attitude was really annoying, but I made sure to calm down, I did not want to say anything inconvenient that could cause problems with Yoonji or his family.

"Jungkook they are my best friends, Namjoon and Yoongi."

He let out a sigh, without the slightest interest, throwing them a quick glance before turning his eyes to the front door, to the stairs from which he came second before. I followed him and felt how my heart was spinning as if to get out of my chest and to run to embrace her. 

Yoonji came down the stairs slowly, her eyes fixed on each step he took. She had changed her dress, now she wore a white one with ruffles on her shoulders and her shoes were flat, without heels, of a soft blue color, simple but cute. I smiled widely, she should have chosen them. At the time I turned to my friends, who were also watching, both with wide eyes and open mouths. 

"Is she the one?" Namjoon exclaimed, earning a look from Jungkook. 

Yes, she is. I felt proud, thinking that nothing could go wrong.

" -She is very beautiful," Yoongi said and raised the camera, taking a picture from a distance. "She's beautiful, Jin," Namjoon continued, "You did not tell us she is so unreal like that. Does not she happen to have a sister?"

 I was stunned at the way my friend could avoid Jungkook's murderous gaze on him like that. -

"No, she does not have sisters," I replied, funny despite myself. He should not anger the older brother, he did not want to have him as an enemy. Yoonji came to the end of those long stairs and looked up, looking at us. I went to her, very happy to see her. 

"-You look beautiful."

" -Thank you."

She mumbled, without looking at me." -Of course, you already looked beautiful from before." I added. She looked up and nodded silently. Having those tempting lips in front of me was enough to make me forget my promise not to try to kiss her again. What man would not want to do it? Although just thinking about another man trying to touch them made my blood boil. I had to bite my tongue. I also wanted to gain their trust and fulfilling what I had said was the best way to achieve it. I was sure that in the end, it would be Yoonji herself who would kiss me. And I know in that way that long-awaited kiss would be millions of times better.

" -They are your friends?" She asked, looking directly at the boys who were standing next to his brother." -Yes. Come, they're dying to meet you." I took her hand and we approached them." -Joon, Yoongi, this is Yoonji -"I smiled at my fiancee -"Yoonji, they are my friends from the university."

" -I did not know you went to college." She commented, in a way that she considers too innocent. Namjoon let out a laugh. And I put a hand to my forehead, there were many things that she did not know about me. 

" -I graduated this year," I said, a little embarrassed. I should have started there when I met her. 

"Jin studied economics -explained Namjoon -and is about to start a postgraduate in finance. He is a genius. "

"-It is not so much," I mumbled, feeling the eyes of the Kim brother and sister fixed on me. "Ah, and it's a pleasure to meet you," added my friend. "You're very beautiful."

 "-Thanks -"

Yoonji made a slight bow "-the pleasure is mine."

"Bella, shy and innocent," Namjoon teased looking at my future wife from top to bottom."-brown hair, long and wavy. Yes, she is as you described it. I still do not believe she is real."

"So pity that you still do not believe it," Jungkook said in the same tone and circled Yoonji's waist with his arms. He and Namjoon glared at each other. It was official, Jungkook hated my friends and apparently, he was quite well matched by Nam.

Yoongi and I looked at each other. I did not know which side I should take, my friend or my brother-in-Law? And then Jungkook let out a whimper that had nothing to do with what was happening.

Yoonji Looked at him and then looked forward, behind my friends. If I was not wrong her face suddenly got paled. So I had to turn to look. A young man walked at a slow pace towards the house, he was short and thin, serene in appearance. He turned his head a little and saw us. I watched as a smile seemed to form on his face, as he stepped towards us. Jungkook and Yoonji hurried to him and grabbed him by the arm. 

Who was that boy? -

"Kook!!" The newcomer smiled, looking at him." Good thing that I saw you already."

He then turned to my fiancee. "Hi, Yoo -." I watched as his words cut short and his eyes opened in an excessive way. "What the hell...?"

 "-Come with me," Jungkook growled and, taking his arm, dragged him away. My friends and I stared at them with surprise.

 "-Sorry. "

Yoonji muttered and tried to go after them, but I stopped her on the way, forcing her to look at me." -Who's that boy?"

" -It's ... my piano teacher. Park Jimin." 

And she stared at me with her big eyes. I let go, bewildered. I did not know that she played the piano, I did not know either that she had a private teacher and that this was also this way when she was young. 

"Excuse me, Seokjin." and she patted my arm, very soft, much more like a caress. "I'll be back in a moment." And she walked away just where they had made it before, walking very fast, with the dress fluttering behind her. I did not stop her anymore. Just watch in silence. I did not know how, but I sensed that this "piano teacher" would be a problem for me, a headache much bigger than I could have imagined.

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