Slipping on some white, knee-high socks while humming a song she had been listening to lately. Gine made her way to the living room and notified Inko of her departure. With a smile, Inko walked her surrogate daughter-figure to the entrance of the small apartment.

"You take care dear." Gine nodded. She opens the door, then waving off to her surrogate mother-figure. Unlike Izuku, Gine didn't need to fly to her destination.

Walking amongst the crowd, it was only a couple more blocks before she reached her destination. Turing to a normal white building with some decorations and plants around it.

Gine entered the building, housing hundreds to thousands of books. Moving through the metal scanners with no problems, she met her fellow librarian.

"Good Morning Fuyumi," said Gine with a wave. The white-haired young lady greeted back. "Gine! How've you been?"

"Great! Things happen last week but everything is great."

"That's good to hear. What about your...friend was it? How is he? You told me he was the student from the event that was really injured. Did he make it out okay?" Fuyumi asks with concern escaping her tone.

"Yea he's fine. More than fine actually. Off on his way to school right now." The Sayian reassures her co-worker.

"Well if you say he is alright then I will take your word for it." It wasn't just her, Fuyumi noticed how the public was not exactly on edge but they were unnerved about the infiltration incident. The idea that villains managed to break into a high-security facility that was meant to house the next generation of heroes did leave some concerns and rumors but that was it. Nothing was exactly set in stone, it didn't help that no villains were even captured after everything settled down. Fuyumi, to say the least, was a concern, not as much as Gine though.

"You told me your brother goes to Yuuei, does he go to a hero class?" The Sayian didn't know which class exactly was the hero but Izuku did say there were only two.

"Yes, he is a classmate of your friend. He was around when they put him into the ambulance."

Gine pulled out a card as she listens in to Fuyumi. She swiped the card letting the system know she had arrived to do her shift.

"Still no one else was hurt or worse. That's good right?" The white-haired girl agrees. With a short goodbye to end the conversation, Gine did her rounds around the Library. Pushing a cart full of books that haven't been placed yet. The return pieces of literature were placed in there place one by one.

Once she finished that, Gine returned to the desk where Fuyumi was and help to aid any visitors with finding books. In between customers, the two would talk mostly about their preferences in books.

As the day went on in the quiet building, Gine did her tasks without issues. That is until a bit after one. An echoing sound of metal made contact, both girls sighed. It was one of their regulars.

"I will go this time." Gine volunteered. Fuyumi thanked her.

Gine made her way up to the second floor at the corner of the library.  The source of the noise was getting ever louder. By the time she found her destination, it was almost what she had expected.

"Mr. Briefs, didn't our staff warned you not to make any noise, it is a library after all?"

The purple-haired man looked up from his tinkering, with a tired smile. "Oh! Sorry, Ms. Gine, I didn't realize I wasn't home. Forgive my disturbances."

Gine shook her head. This man fresh out of college was trying to get by in the harsh world. Nothing to say the least was working. He would offer his inventions to much different companies and organizations for the chance of the second sign of a job welcoming him.

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