Chapter 2

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Serenity's POV

        As I start dozing off, I let my mind drift into the thought of wondering what Sammy, Cameron, Matthew, or The Jacks were doing at this very second. Probably what I should be doing myself, sleeping.

Matthew's POV

        Lying in bed and checking Twitter right when I wake up has become an everyday thing now. I wonder what all the guys are doing and how they are doing, honestly. With a lot of the guys dropping out of the event we started out with, I know it has to upset them and especially the fans. I see all these hash tags, "#GetBackTogetherMagcon","MagconMemories", and things like that as I scroll down my feed. All the pictures are making me think back to when it was just for the fans and making them happy, but it turned into an event that was more for the money. The guys and I couldn't do that to the girls and guys that support us all day. The ticket prices were about to shoot up, and honestly, paying over $100 dollars to meet me for five seconds and get maybe three picture is outrageous. 

        I closed out of Twitter and went to go take a shower, but before I could make it there, my phone started going off. It was Nash trying to FaceTime me, so of course, I answered it. Before I could speak, I was being bombarded with a ton of people saying, "Matttttttttt." I see Nash with Cameron, The Jacks, Carter, and Hayes in the background. I had the biggest smile on my face, and they all knew why, too. I hadn't seen any of them in so long, so seeing them all in one place made my day so much better already. I said,"Oh my goodness, guys! Why didn't you tell me you were going to be together? I miss y'all so much." Hayes piped in, "Well, we didn't really expect to all be in LA at the same time, so when we found out we were, we had to meet up!" The guys all nodded in agreement, and Nash began to speak up. "Bro, why don't you fly over soon? Cameron is doing a movie over here, I'm busy with some stuff, and The Jacks are going to be here a lot because they are recording some sick music. Cameron and I are getting an apartment here and moving in, so you should totally come!"

        I thought for a minute, and smiled about the thought of all of us being together, chilling. "Nash, let me talk to my parents about it. We discussed us moving there soon anyways because I need to start getting into my career more. I'm getting with someone soon out in LA, talking about and writing scripts for videos. Also, I think we're going to see about some tours I could get on with. I'm going to be doing some of that, too. I'll bring it up to them today, and when I figure it out, I'll text you or something. Until I tell all of you boys, stay the hell out of trouble. Seriously. I know how y'all are when you get together, and it's not always good. Don't get that bad of a reputation before I can get there. Oh, also, can y'all try to get in some Twitter time today? I mean, a lot. I think we should do a big mention and follow spree today for the fans. You know, since they are really upset about all this stuff. They don't understand completely yet, so I think we owe it to them!

        All of the guys agreed to do so, and the conversation ended with all the guys yelling random stuff at me, which half of it, I couldn't even understand. Before I put down my phone, I slid down my notification bar and opened my "Quick Tweet" option. I typed, "I know you guys are upset, but hey, don't be. It'll all be okay. I love you all so much, and you're all so beautiful." I tweeted that out, and typed one more, "By the way, expect a follow spree and mention spree today. I'm going to try to make y'all as happy as I can today. P.S. Good morning, all my sexy sprinkled unicorns." 



Find Her, Espinosa.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora