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Before we start, just want to sway always bind safely, and listen to your body!
Trigger Warnings: Dysphoria, incorrect use of a binder, and binding with bandages (which is what you should never ever do, no matter what, tell me if I missed anything)

Varian was going to the castle today to help Rapunzel make glow in the dark paint. It was a fairly hot day, barely 95, so he hesitated when he came across his black half binder. Either heat death trap or being incredibly uncomfortable, he thought about it, heat death trap.

Of course he was going late, because of the temperature. Unfortunately Varian was reaching the 9 hour mark of his binder and was just on his way to the castle. He was walking, and felt a little pain in his right rib, but thought nothing of it as he was on his way to meet the future queen.

When he got to the castle gates he was greeted by Eugene and was offered a glass of water, which Varian chugged in a matter of seconds.
"Jeez kid, you look flustered how long did you walk?"
"Not far, really but um is Cassandra here I just wanted to say hi" Varian said as he felt his cheeks warm up.
"She's training with the guards so you probably aren't going to be able, sorry"
"N-no it's fine, we'll can you tell me the princess is?"
"Yep, I'll take you to her."

On the way there, the pain in Varian's rib started to feel like someone was stabbing him every 5 minutes, it also didn't help that his binder was sticking to him like glue. Eugene noticed the kid slowing down a bit but didn't ask about it.
"Okay we are here, Rapunzel's humble abode, also kid are you feeling okay?"
"Hm? Oh yes yes, thank you" Varian didn't notice the Eugene had been staring at him but he shook it off, waved to him and walked into Rapunzel's room.

He took a long look around it and questioned 'was I supposed to knock?', her room was so colorful, it was so her. As he sat there on the floor he noticed one important thing was missing, Rapunzel. I knew I should've knocked, am I trespassing? A very confused Alchemist thought, just the the door opened.
"Varian?" Varian jumped to the sound of Rapunzel's voice, "I was looking all over for you!" She said as she ran to hug him but before she could Varian help out his hand, " uh I don't think you want to hug me"
"What? Why?"
"M-my stomach feels weird?" He silently cursed himself for making it sound like a question. "Oh, so you want to go? I can see if we have anything for that!"
"Nah, don-don't worry about it, let's start on the paint now, shall we?" He said with a small smile. "Sure." What Varian didn't know is the reason she was late is because Eugene stopped her, to tell her to 'Watch out for the kid as he may be in pain' and she was going to do just that.

"Okay, Rapunzel, what color do you want the glow in the dark to be?"
"Pink, no doubt"
"Alright, so we'll need phosphorescent powder, and pink paint"
Rapunzel stared at him in shock, "Wait, what is the powder, because I'm pretty sure I don't have that"
"It's glow in the dark powder basically, which is what I have brought but I do not have the paint"
"I do, just let me go get it" she said as she went to where she kept all her art supplies. As she had her back turned Varian have his side a quick rub and massage, he tried to focus on the paint but that was getting harder to do by the minute.

"Hey Rapunzel" the boy called out, "Mmhmm" she hummed as she trashed her room looking for the pink paint. "May I go to the restroom?"
"Yeah, you know where it is?"
"Kind of, but I'll figure it out" he said as he walked out of the princess's room.

As the young boy clutched his side as it was starting to hurt to walk a little. He wanted to just lay there with an ice pack, but eventually made it to the bathroom that was thankfully empty. He locked the door just in case. He removed his apron, rolled up his shirt, and lifted the side of his binder. He felt nauseous. The was a little brushing, probably because he hasn't gone a day with out wearing it since he got it. He needed to take it off, but he couldn't. That's the weirdest conversation, 'hey princess, oh yeah I'm trans.' His stomach churned at the thought, or maybe because of the bruise.

Tangled Varian One-shots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن