Team Awesome Sleepover

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"This is going to be the best night ever!" said a very excited alchemist as he set up a bunch of blankets, snacks and pillows. This wasn't any normal night he was having a sleepover in his house, with the one the only Flynn Rider!
The excited boy came rushing to the source of his dad's voice. "What, what is he here?" he said partially jumping up and down.
"Not yet, just know that if anything happens, I'll be in my room"
"Yes, dad" Before Quirin left he felt a source of heat clench around him. It was Varian, "Thank you so much dad, I love you"
"No problem son, just glad you're happy."

"I'm just saying Raps, this ain't weird to you at all?"
"A kid wanting and getting the chance to spend the night with his idol in his very own home? Nope, not weird to me at all in fact I find it quite sweet."
As Eugene and Rapunzel pulled up to Varian and Quirin's, they waited a little and maybe shared a quick kiss before they knocked. Eugene had free hands since Varian begged him not to bring anything because he would have it all covered.
"Love you, Rapunzel"
"Have fun and love you too, Flynn Rider" she chuckled at the use of his old name.

"Hi Flynn!" said Varian as he almost slammed himself into the door "Come in, Come in." Varian looked as if he ate a lot of sugar, Eugene walked into the room with a bunch of blankets which he guessed is where he was going to be sleeping. "Sooo, what'd you like to do?"
"Isn't that what the host is supposed to figure out?" asked a still standing Eugene. "Oh well um first, you can sit on the couch or floor and then we could  watch a movie?" The last part sounded like a question but he choose to sit on the couch. They settled on watching Snow White.

After the movie ended, Varian shut of the tv and played with his gloves until he got an idea. "Wanna see who can eat the most candy?"
"I'm not sure, would you're dad be okay with it?"
Varian eyes glances at his dad's door and he quickly nodded then gathered all the candy he bought. A smirk crept on Eugene's face. "You sure you can handle all of that Varian? Would be pretty embarrassed if I lost"
"Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll be the one embarrassed, as I recall you can't handle certain candies from 'Flynn Rider and the Dark Halls', book three." Eugene rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
They finished a whole big bag of Skittles and an abundance of Airheads, Varian was in the lead.
"Oh I'm not going down that eas-" he took on look at Varian and saw that his face seemed a little green "You okay there, kid" he said as he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Y-yep, but I'm win-wining!" as Varian mustered up a smile. They kept going and finished a bag of chewy lemonheads. All of a sudden Varian jumped up and a gloved hand over his mouth and ran to the restroom. He made it in just the nick of time as he spilled all the sweets out of his belly. Eugene comforted him, held his hair up and rubbed circles on the kids back.

After Varian was done he propped himself up on the bathtub and used the bathtub water to clean he mouth. God, why didn't he just stop when he had the chance now he ruined his sleepover, he wished he could take that moment back.
"You feeling better?" The alchemist nodded his head cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Hey Varian, don't worry it happens to everyone. Like in 'Flynn Rider' when I ate the poison something."
"Oh yeah! Ya ate the poisoned berry and had to get it out of your system so you can run away from the bad guys." Flynn chuckled and walked back to their blankets. Eugene moved the candy and suggested they make a fort with blankets. So that what they did until it fell apart, but they just laughed it off.

They put on The Lorax.Varian cuddle in the blankets while Eugene sat on the floor next to him. Varian had to try so hard to not fanboy.

As the movie went on Varian kept nodding off. Eugene noticed this and laughed a little as the younger boy jolted up by the laugh, which made Eugene laugh even harder. "What, what's so fun?"
"You, fighting sleep"
"I'm not fighting sleep, I'm not the slightest bit tired." The older boy was reminded of Rapunzel, "they have the same level of stubbornness" he thought. "Look kid maybe it time to go to sleep, I'll still be here in the morning an-"
"No need for that speech Flynn, for I'm not going to sleep"
"Whatever you say, Varian."

By the end of The Lorax to Eugene's surprise the boy was still being stubborn and not going to sleep. "Okay, you've proved to me you can stay awake longer than I probably ever will, voluntarily" said a tired Flynn "So hows about know we go to sleep? What'd you say Varian"
"What if, we played more games?"
"In the morning we can maybe"
"What if we watched another movie or told scary stories"
"I don't have the energy"
"What if we-"
"Maybe in the morning" said a little agitated Eugene. He couldn't believe this kid was dozing off minutes ago and now he wanted to do all this- he froze as he felt a weight fall onto his shoulder. "Uh Varian?" Eugene poked him but sure enough this kid was out cold. "About time" Eugene said with a small smile.

In the morning Eugene woke up to a spectacular smell. He rushed to the kitchen to see Varian cooking pancakes and some already done. He turned around to put his pancake on a plate and nearly dropped it as he saw his idol staring at him. "I didn't know you could cook"
"Well I can, what more is cooking than alchemy but with more tastier results"
Varian said as he placed a plate in front of Flynn. Eugene dug in like he hasn't eaten in days, Varian laughed as the person he admired sat there looking like a chipmunk.
"Hey kid?"
"Would you be open to doing this again"
Varian kept from the table and did a little dance, "of course I would!"
"Well maybe next weekend, Team awesome could do have another sleep over?"
"Yep I just have to ask my dad later, he's probably still asleep" Varian chuckled. "One condition"
"What might that be?"
"I get to be the host this time."

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