Chapter 2

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Oh look i'm still alive. Sorry for the wait. Note to self, don't pile on my creative ideas and try to handle them at once. I also had my exam year, other grown up stuff and sone not so nice stuff to deal with. Thanks-- if you stuck around-- for your patience. On the plus side i improved my writing skills and got more ideas, yay!

Quick question, should I change the ending options?

Originally it was going to be Lance, Kieth and Shiro, and possibly others if people requested it. However, with how I have seen the end of Voltron, I am reconsidering it. Should I kick Shiro off the list and replace him with someone else, or should I take full advantage of the fact that this is a fanfic and make it an AU where he is bisexual. Also would you like any additions to the list regardless of that?

Finally, I would like to ask for people to check out my book "The Leftovers" where I take requests for various different things such as Oneshots, scenarios, headcanons, Q & A's, rants, opinions, art etc etc.

Now. To the chapter!

"Thank you for the dress Princess." (Y/n) spoke gratefully, but quietly.

"No need, and please call me Allura." Was her response, as she offered the friendliest smile she could to the more glum and shy Princess. "I do apologise if it doesn't quite fit you. We don't have a lot of clothing suited for females as of now."

"It's ok." The (h/c) reassured. "Its a common case for me. I am considered a runt amongst my people...and you can call me by my first name too if you wish." Allura's eyes lit up with hope at this, as she wanted the other female to feel comfortable around her and the others if she was going to stay with them.

She herself knew the feeling of losing the home and people she loved, before being whisked away and suddenly surrounded by complete strangers she barely knew. It was the main reason the Altean accepted her as quickly as she did. This poor girl had also lost everything to the galra's tyranny. Seeing it repeat in another person, made Allura sick.

Unfortunately, (Y/n)'s main problem happened to be her timidness. Unlike her, Allura had confidence, meaning that when she woke up from her deep coma back then, she quickly managed to accept the paladins and it allowed her to handle the situation. Additionally, she had the castle and Coran to remind her of home. (Y/n) had no such privelages.

Still, kindness shown to be a perfect key in helping her open up, as she had smiled at Hunk for making her food, and seemed more relaxed in this moment which made Allura glad, as it shown that interaction between them could be made easier-- a crucial factor if they were to work together to save (Y/n)'s planet.

"If we get a chance we will land somewhere to get you more fitting clothes." Allura added, as she took the silver suit (Y/n) was previosly wearing off her hands. "But for today we will focus on you getting to know us and this place more. Then we will get straight to coming up with a plan to stop C'Dongi and save Mastiyrilia."

A hint of a smile graced (Y/n)'s face at these words. "...Thank you."

"No need. Its our duty to protect the universe from any threat, and C'Dongi is one of them... Now, I'll just put this away and show you around."

"This is where we do our training." Allura explained, as she and (Y/n) entered the training deck, where they found Keith battling against one of bots with his sword. "As you can see, it is equiped with sparring bots as wellas an invisible maze for Paladin training."

"I see." The (h/c) responded, watching Keith train away. After finally defeating his robotic oponent, he stopped to catch his breath and have a drink. It was then that he noticed the two girls standing there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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