Part 3

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You feel like a total creep as you sit in front of your computer, the screen lighting up your face and it's the only source of light in the house. Gordon gave up on you long ago, after you fed him he just casually disappeared in your bedroom, leaving you and your craziness alone.

At first you had no clue how to start it, aimlessly typing Connor and some other related stuff into the search bar, but nothing really came up. After an hour of endless failures you find the working path. Diving into public police reports you start reading back about previous fights and scuffles in town, meeting Shawn's name too many times, but you try to slide over that. One back from last October mentions Brian as Brian C. so you eagerly get into the details. You are close to giving up when you succeed and find the name Connor B. at the end and your investigation takes a turn. In about ten minutes you have the address you believe is Connor's so you call a taxi not wanting to waste any more time.

The pepper spray lies in your bag and you keep thinking about that to somehow calm your nerves, not that you'd have a chance if there is a whole gang against you. The car drops you off at the front of the street and you start walking down unsurely. The Sun has gone down, only the street lamps are giving you a sight of the houses along the pavement. The neighborhood is definitely not the best, you'd never come near here normally. Your eyes read the numbers on the houses until you find what you were looking for, only it's ten times scarier than the other houses in the street.

It's not even a normal house with a backyard, it's the last one on the street and the yard is huge, the house is standing in the middle, with a bunch of cars parked here and there, some of them are just wrecks with no windows and tires. It's dark in the front and only one window is lit up in the house, but you see light coming from the back. As you walk closer you hear voices, but you're still too far to make out anything. Reaching into your bag you grip the pepper spray and hold it to your chest as you approach the house.

As you get closer you can make out more and more from the talking and one thing is for sure, it's not friendly at all. You immediately freeze when you hear Shawn's voice, you would recognize it from a million.

"You stand no chance here, Salazar. My boys would never lie to me. So get the fuck out of here before you regret even coming here."

You've never heard him talk like this. Not even when those dudes cornered you that night on your run. He was scary as fuck back then, but this is a whole different level now. A shiver runs down your spine hearing it and you don't even see his face, but you know it's not the one you are used to lately.

In the meantime you reach the corner of the house and you tiptoe in the shadow to get a view of what's really going on.

You see two groups. One is definitely Shawn and his friends, but he is standing at the front, Brian is right behind him with a threatening look. You see a guy in the back who is sitting on the ground, half of his face is covered in blood and you're pretty sure it came from his nose which looks painfully crooked. If someone broke it that must have been one hell of a punch. Some other dudes are standing around him looking like guards. The other group is slightly smaller which makes you a tiny bit relieved knowing Shawn and his friends outnumber those bastards.

And there he is, Wade Salazar, standing tall right in front of Shawn. He is a few years older and seems bulkier than Shawn, but you're not sure if he would beat him in a fight. Both his arms are covered in tattoos and his shirt is tight around his body. You suck on your breath when you see a gun peeking out from his pants on his back.

"It's a warning, Mendes. If you can't control your boys I'll teach them the lesson next time," Wade sneers back, his voice is calm and rigid, no sign of fear, but you wouldn't be too scared either if you had a gun on you.

SEÑORITA -- Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now