She pulled back slightly, tipping her head to the left to clue Joe into the line of cameras. He caught on quickly, taking a quick step back and grasping her hand, leading her over to the love seat that was set up for them in the middle of the bar.

It was awkward, she thought, having to act like a normal person on a normal date when the circumstances were so far from normal. She was at a random hotel bar, wearing clothes that weren't her own, next to a man she had met just seven days ago - with cameras recording every detail. Yet - at the same time, she felt inexplicably comfortable as she slid down onto the sofa next to Joe, their knees pressed together, his reassuring eyes watching her every move to ensure she was comfortable.

Out of nowhere, drinks were placed in front of them along with a plate of appetizers. Grasping her glass, she felt herself relax as she and Joe began to chat about random things - the other contestants and the competition - before finally settling on the events from earlier that afternoon.

"I can't actually believe I jumped from a plane today," Dianne laughed, leaning back against the couch cushions.

"You're like a regular James Bond!" Joe exclaimed, his hand coming to rest on her thigh. "Bloody jumping out of planes like it's no big deal. I'm not going to lie, I almost chickened out when I saw you go. Human bodies are not meant to free fall like that."

Dianne let out a noise of indignation before responding, "Excuse me? Are you saying I didn't look graceful and gorgeous as I was hurtling through time and space?"

Joe laughed, squeezing her leg. "You're always gorgeous."

"Even in that horrendous jumpsuit and goggles?" she teased lightly.

"Yup," Joe nodded, before glancing down, unashamedly eyeing her outfit and winking, "Although, I think I do prefer tonight's look."

Dianne felt herself blush as she looked down at her dress. "It's...kind of a lot. I wasn't sure if it fit right or if it clashed with my hair-"

"Nope," Joe interrupted. "No talking down to yourself tonight."

Dianne opened her mouth to argue, but was silenced by Joe shoving a piece of shrimp in her mouth, smirking as her eyes narrowed, unable to speak before swallowing the shrimp, sputtering as she opened her mouth to respond, but not having anything to say.

"Dianne Buswell is speechless," Joe laughed. "I never thought I'd see the day."

Dianne rolled her eyes, but leaned into him, giving away that her annoyance was exaggerated. Their main course was brought out, and a comfortable silence settled over the couple as they dug into the food.


"I can't possibly eat any more," Dianne groaned, as Joe watched her lean back against the loveseat cushions, her hands coming to rest on her stomach.

He leaned over and snuck some potatoes off her plate, popping them in his mouth, "Great, more for me."

Joe saw her raise her head off the cushions to raise an eyebrow, "Did you just take food off my plate, Sugg?"

Joe shrugged nonchalantly, "Maybe."

"I think you're getting too comfortable in this relationship," Dianne grumbled in a teasing voice, sitting up straighter, and crossing her leg, letting it drape over Joe's knee.

Joe raised his eyebrows, knowing Dianne hadn't realized what she had just said. "This relationship, eh?"

He hid his smile as he watched Dianne's face go from a lazy smile to eyebrows raised in shock, skin bright red. He saw her sneak a look his way before letting out a little cough to clear her throat.

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