Chapter 1: Black Pentagon

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Naruto sat in a cell, chains around his arms and legs as he was thinking. That is all he could do now since his chakra had been sealed away. He gritted his teeth as he remembered what happened a few weeks ago.


Naruto was in a steel cage with seals surrounding it. He was in front of Tsunade as she had a look of remorse and sorrow "WHAT THE HELL, GRANNY? LET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" Naruto shouted

"I'm sorry, Naruto... but this is for the best," Tsunade said

"For the best?! Best of what? What the hell did I do?!"

"Naruto Uzumaki, for the attempt assassination of the 4th Raikage, I strip you of your Shinobi status and have your chakra sealed," Tsunade said as Naruto's eyes widened. His world seemed to stop as that sentence echoed through his mind. He started to stutter as he asked: "W-what?"

"Take him away," Tsunade ordered as a bunch of ANBU carried him out, all the while Naruto cried out for Tsunade to help him. When Naruto was out of earshot, which took a few minutes, Tsunade opened up a folder on her desk that showed a series of photos of Naruto attacking the 4th Raikage.

End Flashback:

Naruto's cell door opened up as Naruto squinted when the light hit his eyes "Alright, get up, you're being moved," said an ANBU

"To where?" Naruto asked

"To the prison of prisons... The Black Pentagon," replied the ANBU as they moved him back into the steel cage he was in before.

1 Week Later:

Naruto opened his eyes as he was kicked awake "Get up, you little shit," said a voice as Naruto looked up to see a man wearing a blue suit

"Who are you?" Naruto asked as he was smacked across the face with a batton

"Don't speak unless spoken to, convict!" the man shouted as he picked Naruto by the collar and tossed him out of his cage. Naruto hit the ground with a thud as he held his jaw. His jaw felt like it was shattered as he looked down and saw cuffs on his hands and feet. The man from before stepped out of the cage and reached down to grab a ball and chain and attached it to Naruto's left foot. He then picked NAruto up by the collar again and said: "Walk!"

"Why should I?" Naruto asked as he was struck across the face again

"WHAT DID I SAY?!" the man shouted as Naruto fell back to the ground again, this time his jaw was dislocated and he screamed in agony "NO CRYING!" the man continued to shout as he beat Naruto again with the batton. After a few minutes of beating Naruto, the man picked him up and tossed him inside a building "Dress him up!" the man shouted as a bunch of men wearing similar clothes walked towards Naruto and dragged him into a room. They tossed him in there and started to take his clothes off. One man picked Naruto up and tied him to the wall while another grabbed a hose.


Naruto was soaking wet as steam rolled off his body. He was shaking as a guard walked up behind him "Move it! Now!" he ordered

"A-alright, I'm mo-"

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING?!" the man from before shouted as he struck Naruto in the throat. Naruto gasped in pain as he doubled over. Before the man could hit him again, another guard asked: "Sir, don't you think it's a little much? He's just a kid?"

"Just a kid? He's here for a reason, Griffiths!" the man replied as he picked Naruto up by the hair, "but I guess you're right... it is a little much," he continued as he put away his batton. But just as he did, he pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and struck Naruto in the nose, sending him to the ground and almost cracking his head on the ground. The man then put away his brass knuckles and kicked Naruto "Get up! NOW!" the man shouted as Griffiths flinched while watching Naruto slowly get up while his superior continued to beat him every time he whimpered. When Naruto was on his two feet, he pointed at a man and said: "Take him to get his clothes!"

"Yes, sir, Vice Warden Hansen!" said the man as he took Naruto into another room. When Naruto came back out, he was wearing a black sleeve coverall uniform with the numbers '097229' the right side of his chest and across his back. Hansen smirked as he walked over to Naruto as he said: "From the looks of things you don't seem to be liking your stay so far, have any complaints?" with a smirk

"Yeah, the service sucks," Naruto replied as Hansen slugged Naruto, sending him to the ground

"Take him to his cell," Hansen ordered as the guard nodded and dragged Naruto across the ground and walked toward a set of stairs. He then set Naruto on his feet as two more guards followed. They walked down several flights of stairs as they walked to a large metal door. One of the guards opened it to reveal... a large hole in the ground, a straight drop down for about 100 meters (328 feet) and what looked to be made of metal and a mile in diameter. He looked back at the guard as they walked around the rim of the hole and came to another door. The doors seemed to go into the wall as Naruto was pushed "Step inside," the guard ordered as Naruto stepped in. It was a small room about the size of a closet. The guards then walked inside as Naruto was in the center; he watched one of the guards push a bunch of buttons and the room started to move "Whoa!" Naruto said as one of the guards hit him over the head with the back of their batton

"No talking!" he said as Naruto rubbed the back of his head. When the room stopped moving, the door opened to show a large lake as big as the hole and going even deeper, the lighting was poor as the only way they knew they were going was thanks to the light-bulbs "You gotta be kidding me!" Naruto shouted as he was struck again, this time in the side of his knee. Naruto could've sworn he felt his knee shatter, but he still stood as they dragged him to a hole next to the lake. From there, Naruto saw several flights of stairs, of which they threw him down.

10 Minutes Later:

Naruto landed at the bottom of the stairs as he was bloody and had several bruises all over his face. Several guards were already at the bottom as they dragged him through a long corridor. They then reached a thick glass door and opened it, throwing him in and locking the door. Naruto slowly stood up and looked around, seeing a bed, a toilet, underwater lights... wait a minute, underwater lights? Naruto's eyes went wide as he saw that his whole room was made of glass and the only light that was reaching his room were the lights under the water. He made his way over to one of the walls and looked at the lights, they were bolted down, and there was this sound ringing in his ears as it sounded like a waterfall. He sighed as he walked to his bed and saw just a blanket and pillow. Laying down on it, he curled up into a ball... and cried himself to sleep.

[Yeah sorry this is so short, not gonna say 'hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of the new book' because I know you all didn't... but hey, this is gonna get better... hopefully. ALSO, there will be things going on further into the story that will make you say 'WTF, that isn't like you! What the hell am I reading?!' and I'm just saying it now... this is for plot development]

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