45 | Mental Health

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Hello everyone! It's me again! I've finally returned after... a really long tine. Can I just say that you all are just really patient people?! No joke. I keep coming and then go away from a long time. I'll forever be grateful for your kindness.

I took the time off to focus on myself. I'm surrounded by such amazing friends (in real life and here on Wattpad) and my lovely family :)
My mental health began to really concern me this year.

I go from feeling really high (all excited, talkative etc.) to feeling low (depressed, angry, very  irritable...) so quickly. Even as far as having really It's been pretty scary and confusing for me. I don't exactly know what's going on, but, obviously really don't like it. ;;
This has gone on for a few years at this stage. It's a cycle that just never seems to end.

I also believe I have pretty bad anxiety too ;;

I'm really glad because I've voiced my worries and now I know that there are so many wonderful people who will always be there for me! (Including you guys ^u^)

I can genuinely say I am hopeful for the future. :D

Deep within, I see myself as a pretty optimistic person ^^ Things may not always be so easy... like living with this horrible 'mood swing' thing I have- but I see things getting better ^-^

I'm really glad mental health has become a thing that can easily be discussed. It's actually pretty ssd that that wasn't the case a good while back.

I want to again thank all of you for your constant support, from 2015 (when I was just some awkward 12 year old XD) 'til now.

Also: Please remember to PM me if you'd like to talk. I want to be here for you guys since you're always there for me! ^-^  It also makes me feel great to help others. :)

To clarify: Yes, I am back on Wattpad again :D


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