21 | I like walls

63 10 13

Hello guys! :')
How have you been?

So, school, as usual, is being a bully and won't let me update my Wattpad as often as I want to ;-;

It must really suck for you guys that want to see updates and want me to reply to you in messages/ roleplays.

I know I keep on apologising and it must be getting really annoying at this stage- and I totally understand if it is.


Anyway, I've been pretty good! Just got the mock exams out of the way and I'm waiting to see how I did. (Really hoping for satisfying results because I studied my butt off! XDD)

How was Valentine's Day? :^)
Me? Meh. I did next to nothing. Aye, but it was a nice day, overall. XD

Oh and by the way, Nintendogirl2
and I conjured up a little voice-acting video to go with her book "Super Mario Dimensions." The video goes with the first chapter.

In it, I voice-act Peach, Mario and her OC, Princess Malory. She voice-acts as Bowser Jr.

Want to  have a listen?

Note: Sometimes the audio goes a bit funny but it shouldn't get in the way of you hearing it though :)

Enjoy! ^-^

PS: I will try, try, try my best to update when I can. I promise! :)



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