Chapter Two

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It had been a week since I met Darien at the graveyard.

Life went on as usual. I lived in my college dorm at Lincoln University. After what happened with Aaron, I sort of switched myself off. I let my parents take all the decisions for me. The decisions that usually changed a teenager's life. But it didn't do much for my life. It was as if my life was on pause since April 20 2017.

My parents sent out the application form for Lincoln U., and I got immediately accepted because of my many highschool credits.

My routine was simple. Wake up, go for lectures, do homework, be holed up in my dorm room for basically the entire day, watch my roommate feel pity for me and repeat.

My roommate Jenna, really tried her best to help me. Every weekend she asked if I wanted to go to a party with her, even when she knew my answer.

I had this sick idea that everyone would get tired and frustrated of me and then eventually kill me. My only wish.

"You going to the graveyard again today?" Jenna asked, as she walked into our dorm with her satchel slung across her shoulder.

"Yeah" I said, as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I wore my black sweatshirt, over every piece of clothing I ever wore. I didn't like attention. So I tried to blend in the crowd wherever I could.

"When will you be back?" Jenna asked me.

"In a few hours." I answered.

This time I took my car. My blue SUV. My parents bought it for me as a college present. I hardly ever used it.

Apparently, going to the graveyard every once in a week was the only thing close to excitement left in my dull mundane life.

I had this strange feeling that I would see him again. Not that the thought gave me hope or anything. It didn't matter, even if Darien wasn't there, I was going to see Aaron. But some stupid little part of me, hoped to see Darien in the daylight.

I didn't know, why was I even thinking of him. He'd just been out for a smoke that night. The chances of him being at the graveyard again, were close to zero.

I parked my car near the entrance. I wasn't gonna cry today, when I talked to Aaron. I told myself that I was in a good mood, as I creaked the gates open again.

As I reached Aaron's grave, I started my routine of telling him all about what happened during my week. Even though nothing really 'happened' in my life anymore.

As I was telling Aaron about how Jenna tried to take me to another party this weekend, someone very rudely interrupted me"Your life sounds very boring."

There it was, that husky voice again.
"Jeez, thanks for pointing out. But nobody asked for your opinion."I said, without turning behind to look at him.

"Are you usually this sweet?" He asked, sarcastically, as he came and sat in front of me. I was right. He was hell good-looking. The daylight did wonders for him. His honey eyes looked even lighter in the sunlight. His chocolate brown hair was glinting AND he had a great jawline. Wow... I had never really analysed a guy this much before.

"Is this the part, where you tell me, that you live here?"I asked, the first snarky comment that came to my mind.

"Funny thing, how I came here after one week and found you still here. I have to ask, do you live here?"He asked.

Annoyed at his smartness of spinning the question around on me, I answered, "No. I don't. I come here once a week." I said."Why do you come here?"I asked.

"I can't tell you that."he said.

We sat in silence for a while."They say I should try to forget him. That it'll help me move on."I said quietly, staring at the grave. It didn't matter whatever he said. I was never going to forget Aaron.

"You shouldn't." He said.

I turned to him surprised. Those were the words he'd used that night."Shouldn't, what?" I asked.

"Forget him. Forgetting him would make you feel guilty in the future. You can always keep his memory with you. It'll make you stronger, help you move on."He said.

I sat there, pondering his words. No one had ever told me that before. "I've never heard that before."I said.

"So what's your story Graveyard Girl?"He asked.

A hint of a smile tugged at my lips, "I think I told you my name last time."I said.

"Yeah. But I like Graveyard Girl better."He said.

"Okay, so I won't call you Darien. Since you wander around in the graveyard for fun, I 'll call you Devil's Boy."I said.

We were acting like kids. Nothing about our whole conversation was anything close to mature. We were just two strangers bickering over unimportant things.

"Back at my question, what's your story Graveyard Girl?"He asked.

"Look, so I won't tell you how he died or anything about my life before that. So my life now is pretty simple, wake up, go for lectures, study, mope around all day and then go back to bed."I said.

"So Wait, are you telling me you don't go out during the week at all?"He asked in disbelief.

"I go out once."I protested.

"To the graveyard."he finished for me.

I shrugged, I didn't care about what he thought of me. Did I?

"You gotta get out there G.G. You gotta live life."He said.

"Trust me, I don't wanna live. And G.G. seriously?"I asked.

He got up from the grass, and held his hand out to help me get up."What're you doing?"I asked.

He smiled a dazzling display of white teeth and simply said,

"I'm gonna take you out."


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How a Heart Unbreaks (#Wattys2019) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin