Chapter 3

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"Goddamn it!" Daryl shouted into oblivion when I scared the shit out of him.

"Remember when we used to play pranks on each other when daddy wasn't home." I said sitting on the stool across the table from Daryl. There was a map spred out on the table infront of us with places circled and lines were drawn all over the place. I took the bright red marker and crossed out the city.

"Why'd ya do that?" Daryl said looking up at me.

"If it's a bust, cross er out." I said putting the cap back on the marker. He smirked at me, nodded his head in agreement then went back to looking at the map. The officer, blonde chick, and the black guy walked up to the table to also examine the map.

"Ya' know, I never got yer names." I said looking at each of them seprately.

"I'm Rick," Said the officer, "I'm Andrea," said the bonde chick, "I'm T-Dog." said the black guy.

I repeated each one of there names in my head, over and over and over again.

"Well, I'm Mason, Mason Line Dixon. You can call me rebel or Mason, wha'ever." I said standing up shoving my hands in my jean pockets, trying to show them that I don't want to be toutched. Shaking hands is so weird, in my opinion. Rick nodded his head in acceptance which made me feel like I was welcomed to sit back down so I did.

"Why is there a big 'X' over Atlanta." Said Andrea pointing to it.

"If its a bust, cross er out." Daryl and I said in sync. Andrea looked at us then nodded her head slowly trying to understand what just happened.

When we got here at this andoned ranger station they diddn't bother to check all the rooms, only the one were in. A knocing sound come from one of the rooms. I hushed everyone standing up and walked over to the room with my knife in the air. Opening the door quickly I was greeted with the nasty smell of rot and death. A courpse came out of no where and started snapping at me, I took a step forward and shoved my knife into its head, pulling it out a few seconeds later.

Walking back to the table Rick looked at me and told me that I could have used a gun. Looking at him confused I said "Why waste amo when you can kill it up close and silent." I said sitting back down at the table. Rick nodded and started talking about where the kid said his group was, Pointing to various spots on the map of where they last were, how that place got over run, same with the next place, and the one after, and the next one, on all three of those places I marked it with a giant red X.

After a while of talking to the kid we finally go there to where he said his group was last located. He told us that his group might not be there.
Pulling the van up to the building I hopped out looking around for any sign of guards patrolling around the building. I diddn't see any untuil it was to late, my knee was shot and I felt hands wrap around my mouth to stop me from screaming, then I blacked out.

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