Chapter 4

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"Shit." I said waking up on a cold cement floor with handcuffs wrapped around my writs. They were all bloody and gross like they had been on someone or something before me. The room was dark and cold. Nothing was in it accept a corpus, me. Once I stood up I then remembered that my knee was shot. I winced and fell back on the ground looking at how shitty the wrapping job was. Ill fix it when I'm not in handcuffs anymore.

A door came bursting open revealing an outline of a shoter man standing in the door way.

"What?" I spat squinting my eyes trying to get a good look at his face. I couldn't make out one part of him. He just looked like a shadow. He stomped twards me revealing two men standing behind him. One wrapped a bag around my head.

"God damn it! Let go of me you son of a bitch!" I screamed! One of the men tried covering my mouth with their hand even though the bag was still on me. I jolted my head forward and pressed my face hard against his hand trying to bite his flesh through the bag. It worked. The man released his hand off of my mouth an kicked me hard in my bad knee. I screamed at the pain that shot through my leg and into my hip, the men took the bag off of my head and put a gag around my mouth, tightly. They threw the bag back over my head and left the room.

About a half hour passed with just me sitting in the room, alone. I heard the door slightly open like someone was peeking thought the crack of the door. I couldnt see anything, I could just hear. The door made a squeaking sound as they opened it all the way. Hearing more than two foot steps I started squirming trying to get myself backed up aginst the wall. Two sets of hands gripped my arms making me stand up and walk forward. I was to tired to try and kick them, to try and get them to let go of me. Being tired, hot, hungry, hurt, and angry is not a good combination.

"Mason!" I heard a thick country accent shout. ''D-a-rl-e-h-g" I tried saying my brothers name with the gag on, that wasn't a very good idea once I basically swallowed some of the gag. I started squirming as I felt the bag come off of my head. The light was the first thing I saw, the light being the sun. It was brutal on my bright blue eyes. I looked around in a hurry trying to figure out where I was. I tried stepping forward to advance towards my brother, one of the men told me that wasn't a good idea. Ignoring his comment I took a step forward only to feel some of what I thought was the ground crumble beneath my feet. I squealed and stepped back looking down off of the roof of a crumbled building. I limped to the edge looking down to try and spot my brother when the two men pulled me back. Suddenly one of the men holding me let go and pulled another set of handcuffs out and snapped them around my ankles. "What the hell man?" I shouted, or at least tried to with the gag on.

"Here is the deal," one of the men shouted down to my group, "you give us the guns and well consider giving you the girl." The men chuckled. "She's a wonderful cure for our cravings." One of them said sliding their hand off of my arm and grabbing my butt. I screamed trying to hit him. I could hear Daryl threatening to cut all of their limbs off after feeding their guts to the walkers if they touched me. The next thing I knew is an arrow went through the one that slapped my ass. There was a lot of screaming and gunshots after that. I was being crushed by the man that Daryl killed, his cold lifeless 290 pound body was lying on my 120 pound body. Moving was hard and breathing was painful, stars appeared in my vision as well as a unneeded blackness that prevented me from seeing. A sharp pain shot through my hip down to my shot knee I couldn't see but feeling around where the pain was it felt like an arrow had pierced my upper thigh. The feeling of the pain is indescribable, my whole body had went into shock, I couldn't move, or see, breathing was becoming nearly impossoble, I could feel a hot liquid coming up every time I coughed, I expected things to get better by me dying, but the feeling of falling was a feeling I did not need at the moment, the building I was laying on crumbled directly under me causing me to fall. The man was off of me but I still couldn't see or breathe. Then I passed out.
Rick: "Guys I found her! Help me move the concrete off of her!"
Glenn: "Did the walkers get to her?"
Rick: "Not that I can see- shit.''
Daryl: "God damn it! They got er' they bit er' thigh!"
Rick: "Daryl, I'm so sorry, but you know what needs to be done."
Glenn: "I can do it if you want."
Daryl: "Don't touch me! Gimme that damn ax!"
I screamed as loud as a could as I felt the blade cut right before my thigh and my hip meet. I can't see anything, but I can hear and feel it all.
Glenn: "Holy shit that's so gross."
The last thing I hear is Glenn throwing up, then I passed out again.

Mason DixonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum