(8) Long Day (8)

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It felt like work took forever. I was tapping my foot impatiently on the floor as I was being watched by Riza. I was also doing my work, thanks to her impatient glare.

Everyone was effected by the suddenly long day- as if it was actually longer than it should be. It wasn't, though.

Everyone's patients were thin. This included Riza, making her extra dangerous with a gun. Just my day, I guess.

Tonight Riza and I were going on our 20th date. Such a mile stone. Well, it is one. She only goes on a date with me once every two months (and if I'm lucky two months in a row). We've been together for two years.

I had an idea to make this particular one the best. The only thing I was worried about was that she doesn't like the ring.

Well, that and if I mess up. She would never let me down if I do.

That got me more nervous, thinking about it. I got up and she gave me a questioning look "washroom" I told her before walking out. I was actually going to find Hughes, since he was close enough to here in his hospital bed that I could visit him quickly to settle my nerves.

When I got to his room and went in he smiled "nervous?" Hughes asked me. Damn he knows me well. I nodded with a sigh as I sat down on a chair after pulling it beside the bed.

"Yeah. It's the big day and it's been going so slowly" I told him and he chuckled. "Understandable. It was hard for me and my Ex aswell" he said softly

I nodded and rested my head on the bed with a sigh, shaking "what if I mess up?"

Hughes smiled "don't worry about it, Colonel. The more you worry the worse it will be" he told me and I nodded.

I got up "I'm sorry Hughes, I'm going back to the office before Riza comes looking for me" I said to him and he nodded "good luck ok? Tell me if she accepts!" He called after me as I exited "of course I will!"

For what felt like days I sat, doing paperwork. When I had gotten home I think I was so tired I layed down and passed out.

I was woken up by the sound of a door bell, and my immediate thought was 'shit!' I got up and walked to the door, opening it. It was Riza, dressed beautifully. A dress- not slutty, but looked very sexy on her.

I blushed, but it barely showed.

"Not ready for me, huh?" She chuckled as I let her in. I nodded "uh, yeah sorry. I fell asleep as soon as I got home. I barely managed to get changed" i said, hiding my embarrassment.

"Its okay, Roy. You can get changed if you want but I think you look cute in your pajamas~" she said with a wink before I got embarrassed "Riza!" I said before quickly running to my room "I'll be back!"

When I was dressed formally, and had the ring with me I came back out. We had dinner at my house, it was nice and calming. But when it came time I got nervous.

I told her to stand up and close her eyes, and my heart was racing. I got into one knee. This was it. I was going to ask her to be mine. Forever..

I breathed in and out. No going back now. "Riza.. since I met you all those years ago, I knew you were the one." I started, glad she hasn't opened her eyes. I saw her smiling and it gave me confidence

"Since that point it was my goal to become your king- for you to become my queen"

I sighed, thinking softly. I had planned it all- but now. Now it seemed like I hadn't prepared enough- i couldn't remember what I was going to say, but I felt like I was good at making speeches on the spot.

"So.. uh.." yep. Good. I swear, I really am!

I sighed softly "You can open your eyes" I told her, my hand holding the case with the ring in it. Why did this have to be this hard?! Why couldn't the people from all those years ago just made it so you had to ask- instead of making it so you pretty much needed to get on your knee and beg for their agreement.

She opened her eyes and gasped- which was enough to make me continue. "Riza, would you please make me the happiest man in all of Amestris, and marry me?"

"Oh my God yes!"

This was the best day of my life!

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