(5) Soul mates with.. No one? (5)

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Me and Riza desperately searched everywhere for my soul mate, but none of the tattoos matched. My heart couldn't handle the sadness. Everyone had their soul mate, why didn't I?

I looked at the woman I had fallen in love with. Her blond hair and beautiful sparkling eyes. But, she was destined for someone else.

I sighed and let myself slide down against the wall. Being a single furher was already hard, and it's just going to be like this forever. Riza's tattoo was the one her father put on her back. She was born without one, actually, from what her dad had said

She was sad for me, as she could get with any other fortunate enough to not have a soul mate, and I noticed it brought havoc closer. I bit my lip, disgusted at the fact my old friend could get with the Angel of my life, but I, in the end, could not.

I looked at the picture of my tattooed back and sighed "riza- it is unfair" I studdered "maybe mine has already died.." but, that would mean I am dead. I growled

"I know, Sir. Unfortunately, you may never get one at all"

The thought of that made me shiver, and I slammed my head on the desk "can i look to the research on your back again, Lieutenant Hawkeye?" I asked softly. My heart ached. She nodded "sure, but we both know that it means nothing"

We went to a private room and I shut the door. She took off her shirt for me, and I scanned my eyes over the tattoo, and the burns I put on it to get rid of the capabilities for another flame alchemist.

I sighed but, I did notice her skin was rough in certain places, as if it was healed over "you must of had alot of scars and wounds on your back" i said, with a sigh "maybe we should get them looked over by a doctor. They still haven't healed properly."

She nodded "Okay Furher" Riza said patiently, letting my fingers gently trace the marks. I let her put her shirt on before I left to go to my office.

Riza followed instantly. It was hard, knowing my queen would never actually be with me. That we'd never have kids, that i'd grow old without her and die alone. Thinking about this made my head hurt "can I get some pain killers?" I asked shakily

She shook her head sternly "no, mustang." She said "you've already had six today. That's way too much as it is. I'm surprised you haven't went to the hospital yet"

I let out a whimper and nodded "will it help if I go get the scars and cuts checked out while you take a small nap? I'm sure it's nothing serious but if you say they still haven't healed properly something could be wrong." She paused and waited for me to nod "I'll be back then"

And, when I layed down I passed out- before I could even get the blanket on me.

Dreams are jerks, you know? Night mares are even worse.

"Roy! Wake up!" I heard as I jerked awake. My whole body was cold, and I shivered.  Riza smiled when she saw me awake "good. You were having a nightmare, Furher Mustang" she said softly "but I have good news"

I nodded and sighed "what is it?"

And when she turned around, and took off her shirt... I couldn't believe my eyes

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