Busy first day as a pair in public

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"Screw you." I muttered.

Dimitri chuckled "I heard that!"

"And again- screw you." I teased my boyfriend.

"Guys! A world exists." Ramirez interrupted then sighed, "never thought Dimitri Belikov would be love sick."

"Finding your soulmate changes things." My soulmate proudly replied.

"Good god. Go get a seat. I really don't need this this early."

We left and found a table.

"Roza?" My other half opened his arms, asking for me to sit on his lap. Now how could I refuse that?

"Comrade," I sighed as I leaned into him.

"My Roza, I love you. It's been a long year but you survived."

"'You'? I think you mean 'we'. I'm not the only one who nearly died."

"God woman, I love you."

"I love you too."

We were getting stares but ignoring them, honestly the world really didn't exist when he was around. We eventually got pulled back to reality when our food came. Then again when Eddie walked in the door and joined us.

"Hey Rose, Belikov," he nodded to each of us in turn.

"Eddie." I responded.

"Guardian Castile." Dimitri replied.

"Dimitri! It's Eddie from now on in- remember that!" I playfully chastised.

"Rose!" He returned the banter. "I'm just being polite. Not everyone here shares your loathing of titles."

"Yeah, yeah, cowboy!" I smirked at him. "I know you hate titles as much as I do."

"Screw you!" My boyfriend playfully retorted and Eddie gasped at Dimitri's language choice.

"Belikov did you really just say that? To Rosie no less?"

"Eddie! The man over there goes by the name of Dimitri, and I hate 'Rosie'- you know that. Did you forget what nearly happened last time Christian called me that?"

"You call him Dimitri, no one else does. And no, I didn't forget."

"Get used to calling him 'Dimitri'- everyone else will gave to too."

"Why? Belikov, please tell me she's wrong, that we don't have to start first name addresses."

"Sorry. No can do Eddie, she is right. As usual." My soulmate grinned at me. Time to drop the bomb.

"Say what?"

"Eddie, I believe you heard my boyfriend before. I'm right, you do have to get used to first name basis."

"B-boyfriend?!" Eddie choked over the exclamation in shock and I broke into a giggle fit before moving to sit on my Russian-god-of-a-boyfriend's lap. Said god's arms wrapped around my waist protectively as he pulled me closer.

"Yes Eddie. Dimitri is my boyfriend." My friend froze at that. Strigoi? No worries. Me in a relationship with Dimitri? And he freezes. "Eddie? You okay?"

"N-no. It's been three days since grad and I find out my best friend is in a relationship with her old mentor. How would you feel?"

"No clue. I'm the said friend in the said relationship." I laughed as I snuggled more into my boyfriend who started showering me in kisses and 'I love you's.

"Oh, it's about time!" Alberta sighed exaggeratedly as she sat in my now-old seat. "I'm honestly surprised you two held off this long."

"Alberta?" All three of us asked in astonishment.

The way it could have been (A Vampire Academy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now