Strangely, Sasuke's friends had been very unsupportive of his decision to date Hinata. He couldn't figure out why.

They drove to the resturant where they hung out usually. Placing their orders, they occupied a booth and Sasuke looked at Sakura expectantly.

Her pink hair was cropped to her shoulders and she was wearing a hair-band as usual to keep it back. Her green eyes shone with worry and...fear.

"It's about Hinata."

"God Sakura-"

"No, please listen to me."

He sighed exaggeratedly at her antics before he leaned back in his side of the booth. How many times did he have to tell her he didn't like her and never would?

She would always be just his friend. A childhood friend.

"I-there's something off about her Sasuke. And i swear it's not a ploy to keep you apart."

Sasuke cursed inside his head. He was tired of this. "How do you know, Sakura?" he asked.

"Because-I talked to her." As Sasuke's eyebrows knitted together in annoyance, she hurried to speak. "You're my best friend Sasuke. I know you don't reciprocate my feelings. But i'm looking out for you."

"Okay, go on."

"She-the way she talked to me was unnerving. Like...she has something about herself hidden. She threatened me, almost. You should seriously stay away from her."

"What did you say to her?"


"Sakura, i told you to leave her alone." Sasuke gritted out in annoyance. "I can handle it myself. Now if you keep talking about this, I'm leaving."

"Okay-!" Sakura said, her tone hurried. "I'll stop talking about this. Just...sit."

Sasuke sighed but nodded anyways. This was getting ridiculous. 


"Yeah. No. No, I can't. I'm with Naruto right now. Alright. Okay. Later."

Naruto eyed Sasuke as he ended the call and turned back to him. "Hinata?" Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded.

"She wanted to ask me if I was up for the movie."

"Oh right. Bros before hoes though, right?" Naruto grinned. Sasuke grunted while elbowing his friend.

"You're not calling her that." He said with a smirk. Naruto laughed.

"I'm not. I want to live a few more years."

They both turned back to the screen and continued their mission in Call Of Duty. "So, are things with her anyways?"

"Fine. Why?" Sasuke asked instead, jabbing the buttons on the controller as fast as he could, face screwed up in concentration.

"Nothing. Just something Sakura mentioned a couple weeks ago." Naruto said.

"About Hinata's darkness?" Sasuke laughed out, still looking at the screen. Naruto sighed out.

"Hey, I didn't believe her first either. But why would she make up stuff like that?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know? To jeopardize my relationship?" Sasuke snorted out. The blonde sighed. Sakura and Naruto had dated for about a month before they broke it off mutually. They decided remaining friends was best since Sakura still had feelings for Sasuke.

"Hey-she's still our friend. She wouldn't do that. She seemed geuinely creeped." Naruto said. "Although I don't think Hinata's like that. She took my rejection pretty nicely."

"That was just a stupid crush." Sasuke growled out. Naruto's eyes widened.

"Hey-I'm not laying my claim or anything. Just...she seems nice but i also can't shake the feeling that Sakura's not making it up. Maybe something's really wrong?"


"Teme, I'm just asking you to be careful."

"I am."

Naruto nodded wearily before he turned to face the screen once more and they continued their game.


"Hey Hinata?"


"Did you have an argument with Sakura?"

"No. Why?"

"She just seemed anxious regarding your behaviour."

"Do you want me to talk to her about it?"

"No. I handled it. But if something's bothering you, talk to me."

"Of course."


Hinata lived in one of the apartment buildings on the upper side of Konoha. She had a healthy bank account despite being disowned. People speculated about her source of income.

Some said her cousin supported her financially. Others wondered if she might have connections with the Mafia or she worked as a stripper in nightclubs.

One or two guys had been willingly to swear they'd seen her in the nightclubs owned by none other than The Akatsuki, the most dangerous Crime Family.

Sasuke scoffed. Ridiculous. But there were rumors about his family too. How Uchiha Corp was built on the blood of innocent people. How The Uchiha had connections with the Akatsuki and that was how they'd become so prosperous.

People would just believe anything these days. He walked to her apartment building, food bags in his hands. Date night was a relief from the week's work and the activities outside college.

He rode the elevator up to her apartment. Before he could knock on the door, he heard a commotion inside.

He immediately walked inside, placing the food bags unceremoniously on the couch as he made his way towards the source of the commotion. A heavily built man stood over his petite girlfriend, her neck in his hold.

Before he could fathom what to do, she moved her arm and stabbed him in his gut with a sickening sound. The man he fell to the ground with a shocked expression. Hinata stabbed him again and again until he was still, his face morphed into an eternal expression of surprise.

"Hinata..." How was his voice still so strong?

"Sasuke..." she breathed out, fear and hesitation in her eyes as she saw him standing there. She immediately dropped the knife as she stepped back, as if realizing what she'd actually done.

Sasuke made his way towards her, a strange tingling throughout his body. Hinata had tears in her eyes.

"Still not clean enough." He instructed, motioning for her to walk towards him. "Itachi would be disappointed."

She smiled through her tears and walked towards him. "We're going to work on your guilt, Hime. And about your skills at being discrete. Threatening Sakura because you were jealous?"

Sasuke chuckled. She trembled but he rubbed her back in soothing circles. She would have to be calm when they disposed of the corpse. He'd ask her what that had been about later. After all, a Mafia Family like the Akatsuki had many enemies.

People heard and made up many rumors. Many ridiculous rumors. But the most unbelievable ones were usually the truest ones.

Sasuke sighed when she took his face in her hands and looked at him. Yep.

He was definitely in love with her.


Author notes: So...who expected the plot twist? Anyways, this went to a bit towards the dark side again ;p But not too much hopefully. Let me know what you guys think. Until next time.

P.s again, if anyone has any requests or prompts let me know via comments or DM.

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